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대박! You guys are amazing! This story reached 1K views, y'all! I can't believe this! To whoever was that 1000th reader, I love you!! Also, I think I might increase the pace of this story so please let me know if you think it's going too fast already or if it's going slow. Your opinion matters to me!

Special thanks to my 언니들 : @reshy4686 , @sumaz_xx and @taekook343. Here is a little gift from your maknae!! 정말 사랑해요💜💜

7th December

The ravenette looked at the X-ray for a second time, not quite believing his eyes. He looked at Seokjin who had a similar expression on his face. "You've got to be kidding me." He murmured as he kept the X-ray on the nearby table, picking up his phone to text the results to Hyungsik. "I've never seen someone heal for fast," Seokjin said as he sat down.

"Me neither," Jungkook said as he picked up the other reports. He shuffled through the pages, reading through the pages. "And it's not just the ribs. His tibia and fibula are healing fast too." He commented as he jotted down the medicines to be given. They were currently at the hospital in Seokjin's cabin. They had taken X-rays and scans of Taehyung to check up on his progress and they were surprised by the rate at which he healed.

They packed up their stuff, walking out of the cabin as they made their way to the pharmacy store in the hospital. Seokjin went over to the counter, getting the medicines as Jungkook sat on the couches placed around. He was there for about 5 minutes when he noticed a familiar figure walk toward him. He stood up, a smile on his face as he shook hands with the person. 

"Yugyeom, It's been a long time since I saw you." The ravenette said as the two sat down. "Yeah dude, I was busy with Hoseok Hyung. He's a beast when it comes to training." The other male said as he sighed out. Kim Yugyeom was a doctor in training like Jungkook, being under Hoseok as he wanted to be an ER doctor. He looked at the ravenette fo a moment before his eyes trailed over to a figure power walking towards them. He snapped his head as his jaw hung open.

Jungkook followed his friend's gaze and he spotted Jimin walking towards them. The blond stopped in front of Jungkook, his hands in his pants' pocket as he spoke. "You guys take forever! Where's Hyung?" He asked, huffing out in annoyance as the ravenette pointed to the direction of the pharmacy. The blond walked away, Yugyeom's eyes following him. He let out a low whistle and Jimin's head snapped to look at him.

Yugyeom immediately turned his head away as he quickly stood up, ready to dash away from there. He felt the shorter male come closer to him and he stood still, waiting for the other to burst out shouting. But when it never came, he looked at the male, to find him smirking as he leaned towards the doctor. Yugyeom froze, feeling the blond' breath on his face. Jimin smirked, leaning away as he slipped his hand into the doctor's pocket and then walked away. The young doctor slunk back in the couch as he fanned his face, a red blush on it. He put his hand into his pocket, fishing out a slip of paper.


The three made their way back to the company as Jimin drove the car. Seokjin was sitting shotgun and Jungkook was in the back seat with piles of hospital papers, medicines and scans. He frowned as he took out his phone, playing with it as the drive continued. A car was behind them, filled with bodyguards for their safety. After Yoongi had told him that Jihan knew of his whereabouts, the older male had arranged for bodyguards for the two.

They reached the building, the trio getting out and heading in. They walked into the room, being greeted by Namjoon who was sitting on the couch. Taehyung was on the phone talking to somebody as he nodded and smiled at the three, carrying on the conversation in flawless English. The others sat down on the couches, talking among themselves as Jungkook checked the monitors for any kind of unusual readings.

After a few minutes, Taehyung ended the call, looking up at Jungkook. The older went and sat beside him, letting him know about his progress. "So, that means that I can sit up?" The younger asked with twinkling eyes and who was Jungkook to refuse. He stood up, reaching forward to gently hold the redhead's arm to help him sit up. As soon as his fingers made contact with the other's baby soft skin, he felt sparks ignite. His eyes widened as he looked at Taehyung, his expression copied on the other's face. The two blushed at the contact, completely unaware of the others at that moment. 

The older helped him sit, fluffing up his pillows and placing them in a comfortable position for Taehyung to rest on. The younger gave him a bright smile that had Jungkook feeling lightheaded. He sat back down, immediately realizing where he was as the younger gazed out of the window. With a flushed face, the ravenette turned around to look at the others. 

Namjoon and Jimin were smirking at him and Seokjin had a small smirk with his eyebrows raised. Jungkook put his head in his hands, too flustered to look up at them. He heard soft laughter come from the direction of the couches and he finally looked up, sighing when he realized they had stopped staring at him. He turned to look at the younger male, who's eyes were trained outside, watching the Sunset. And Jungkook realized just what he was getting into.

He was falling in love with Kim Taehyung.


In the darkroom, a voice rang out. Frustration dripped from his tone as he slammed the table annoyed. He kicked it away, smashing it into pieces. His plan had failed twice and that was unacceptable to him.

"I can't believe you didn't try to track that damned guy down! Who did you think was gonna be pleased by listening to this, you piece of shit!?" He screamed as he spat on the ground, eyes flashing red. The others in the room cowered in fear as he stepped towards his newest prey.

"Choi! Take him to the red room." He ordered as one of the guards came out from the dark, dragging the pleading male away. Silence stretched into the night, the only sound was of Jihan's heavy breathing.

He picked up his phone, dialling a familiar number as he put it up to his ear. The bell rang for a few seconds before someone picked up. Jihan smirked, running a hand through his jet black hair.

"Hey there Park. It's time for you to give me the information." He said into the phone, a chuckle sounding from the other side as the male replied.

"As you wish, Boss."


Hm... Who could it be? Wanna guess? 

Also, I hope you noticed the changed layout of the banners at the starting of the chapter. Why did I do it? Hm... Theories are always welcome!

Thank you again! I love you all so much!!

I hope to see you soon! Bye~~


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