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28th November

"Seokjin hyung..."

"Hyung?" Seokjin jolted out of his thoughts, wiping his tears as he looked up to meet the concerned eyes of Jimin. The younger gave him a small sympathetic smile, passing him a glass of water. The older drank it down, thanking him.

"H-Have.." He cleared his throat before trying once again. "Have you read this, Jimin?" The pink-haired male asked as he looked at the other. Jimin nodded his head, biting his lips. He let out a shaky breath, hanging his head and holding it with his hands.

"G-God..." He choked out as Jimin lightly patted his back. The blond looked at Jungkook, telling the older to calm Seokjin down as he stood up. He walked away, leaving the two alone in the living room. Jungkook hesitantly reached out, stroking the older's back as he tried to understand what was going on. Seokjin had read the diary, his face forming a bright smile in the beginning and frowning deeper and crying as he reached the end. He had no idea what was in those diaries, but he sure was curious. Jimin returned after a few minutes, other diaries in his hands as he sorted them, handing a black one to the oldest.

"This continues after the previous one." He said as Seokjin held the diary, opening the page with care. There was no picture in this one and he quickly flipped over, reaching the first page, filled with scribbles.

I didn't know what to think except that this guy, Do Jihan, was somehow responsible for my parent's death.

The brunette stood in the rain, his black clothes soaking wet as he looked at the graves of his parents. Tears were flowing from his eyes, mixing with the raindrops falling from the heavy grey clouds. There was no one around, even his relatives had refused to attend the funeral. He felt all alone, miserable and hopeless as he stared at the grey stones. He clutched his fists, nails digging into his palm as he tried to stop crying.

That was a day 2 months ago. The fifteen-year-old now stood in his office, signing important papers and taking work calls. It was an evening after school, but he didn't have time to play with his other friends or even go to his house. After the shock, he had taken it upon himself to keep the company going and surprisingly, the young brunette was a born leader. The company was progressing smoothly, a bit better than it had during the time of his father. He had the talent for it and all his coworkers respected him despite his young age.

The young boy had matured in the two months, growing up too fast mentally than anyone could've imagined. They all tried to help him at some point but he just pushed them away, politely declining their offers and drowning himself in work. His teachers knew of his predicament and allowed him to skip a few classes as he was already ahead of them. It was no doubt that he was a genius.

It was after another month that he truly felt the fear of Do Jihan. The male was everywhere, advancing on Taehyung, ready to pounce on him. But Taehyung couldn't give him a chance. He had bodyguards but he still felt the constant fear in the back of his mind. He still remembered the conversation between them, the day his parents had died.

"Remember me, baby boy?"

"W-W-What do you want?"

"Oh, I just want you. Right here, next to me. But it would be nice if I could have a taste of your empire too."

"Just.. who are you?"

"Someone you don't wanna mess with, doll. I didn't like the way you ran away that day and look where it landed us."

And the male had cornered him in school the next day, trying to force himself on the weaker boy. Taehyung had managed to escape somehow, scared and shivering. He had hidden himself in his room, too afraid to even meet Seojoon. He had skipped school for a week after that, feeling disgusted with himself and scared of seeing the older boy. The ravenette was crazy, willing to do anything just to have Taehyung say yes to him.

But Taehyung had refused, increasing the security in his office and refusing to go home. There was no point anyone. He still met Seojoon but in the safety of his own company. He missed his Hyung terribly, praying every night that the elder would return back home. But a part of him didn't want him pulled into this drama. And weeks had gone by. Seasons changing colours and years changing dates. But Jihan still kept his eyes on Kim Taehyung, refusing to take no for an answer.

It had been Seojoon who had found out about this, a year later, when Taehyung was 16. The older had threatened Jihan, his threats falling on deaf ears as Jihan had finally revealed who he was. The oldest of them had been shocked, managing to land a few punches on the other's face as he had helped Taehyung escape. But it hadn't worked and Jihan had sent him men to rough Seojoon a little. The youngest had been devastated, failing to protect the ones that he loved. In just a year, his life had changed completely.

He had changed completely.

It was on a night in December that he had first managed to put his training to use. It was the darkest day for him. A day he could never forget. The day Jihan had almost raped him, in his own house.

It had been an ordinary Saturday until evening had rolled around and Taehyung had found himself alone in his house in months. He had been in his room, working on a project when he had heard shuffling downstairs. He had kept silent, trying to hear any sounds of footsteps coming upstairs. He stood up, walking to his bookshelf and picking up a craft knife. He had hidden behind his door, hoping whatever it was, would go away.

But the door swung open, revealing a smirking Jihan as he whistled a tune, walking further inside his room. He turned around swiftly, locking eyes with Taehyung. The brunette took his stand, forcing himself to keep his calm as Jihan walked towards him. Before he knew what was happening, he was pinned against his wall, the knife digging into his thigh as he cried out.

The older smiled menacingly, leaning forward to capture the brunette's lips but Taehyung turned his head, refusing to let the other kiss him. The ravenette growled, burying his teeth in the brunette's neck as the other thrashed under him, trying to break free. Jihan didn't let him go, but instead,he trailed his hands along the younger's body. Taehyung screamed for help as he tried to push the other off, succeeding after some time as he looked around fearfully, trying to find an escape.

But before he could, Jihan had pulled him by the wrist, pushing him on the bed as he hovered over the smaller boy. 

"Don't you get it?! I love you, Taehyung! I would do anything for you!" He growled out as he lowered himself, the younger finding some space and slashing the other's forearm skin as the older hissed. He pushed him off, running out of his room and onto the streets, racing straight to Seojoon's house.

Nothing had been the same after that.


I'm horrible at writing, I know. What the hell is this chapter? 

Hope you didn't lose brain cells reading this. Not proofread.



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