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Chapter 14 Aelin:

I struggled to open my eyes. Everything hurt. What the hell had Deanna done to me? I glanced out the window to my left, seeing the sun in the same position as before. So either I had been out for a second, or a whole day.

Then I looked to my right to find Rowan dozing in a chair beside me. He looked so worried, even in his sleep. But before I woke him, I surveyed the room. It wasn't anything special, just a bed, nightstand, and bathing room. I assumed this was one of the guest rooms in Feyre's night court. I looked back to Rowan, only to find him already awake and staring at me. Great.

"How long was I out?" I rasped. Before he answered he floated a glass of water to my lips, which I drank gratefully.

"2 days."

2 days! No wonder he looked so tired. What was Deanna thinking?! I wondered if she had explained why she was here yet.

Sensing my thoughts, Rowan answered my question. "She refuses to tell us anything until you wake up. We've been assigned this part of the house, and we've barely seen the others. We stay out of each other's way, but with the invitation to come to the living room when you wake up." Interesting. Then Rowan's expression turned hopeful. "How are you feeling?"

I sat up. Everything was sore. But something was different. I felt... powerful. I quickly dived into my powers, and only once I had exceeded my normal limit did my hopes begin to rise. Down and down I went. I wasn't drawing power, just trying to find the bottom. But there was no end in sight.

I glance back to Rowan with tears in my eyes.

"How? How is this possible?" I whispered.

"I don't know. Deanna refused to explain. She showed us our rooms and left us. All I know is that it's a miracle."

"Do they know who we are?"

"No. I told them that it's your story to tell. It's your call."

I thought about it. They needed to know the truth if we were to become allies. "We'll tell them the truth, but hold some information back. We'll keep our full extent of powers a secret. They don't need to know how powerful we are."

Rowan nodded his approval. I slid out of the bed on unsteady feet. He was immediately at my side but I pushed him away. "I'm fine."

First I used the bathing room, then I looked through the closet. "Come on! There's barely anything to wear."

"I can see at least 20 pairs of clothes Aelin." Rowan snorted.

I glared at him. "But I need to make an impression. They already know Celaena, the one who held Feyre at a knife point, now they need to know queen Aelin."

Rowan shot me a bemused glace. "You really had a knife to her throat?"

"I'll explain later. For now leave me alone so I can get ready." He smirked but left the room.

I pulled a bunch of clothes out of the closet and lay them down. Then I sat in front of a mirror and got to work.


Everyone was already sitting in the living room when I arrived. I threw open the doors and strolled in. Feyre's court, which now had more people, gaped at me, while mine just looked amused. Feyre's eyes immediately went to my ears, which were showing in all their pointed glory. I let some of my power thrum through my veins, and I knew the other's felt it. My court stiffened and joy crossed their faces. Except Manon, who just gave a lazy grin.

Feyre's court on the other hand shared a wary glance. Feyre was still staring at my ears with a mixture of betrayal and confusion on her face.

Then they noticed my clothing.

I had put together three of the gowns, one red, one orange, and one white. I had found a needle and had sewed the three of them together, with the red at the top and the white at the bottom. The bottom was long and dragged an inch on the floor. Then I had my hair pinned up in a sweeping bun, with one strand falling to the side of my face. There was no make up, but I let some of my flames flicker on the ends of my eyelashes.

Rowan's gaze turned ravenous, while Lysandra nodded in approval. The rest of them gaped at me. I winked and sat down with a flourish.

Feyre spoke first. "What- How- Your Fae?"

I grinned. "Yep. Now, let's start with introductions and all that stuff. I'll go first. I am queen Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius of Terrasen. Also known as Celaena Sardothien, Adarlan's assassin, Lillian Gordiana, king's champion, and Elentiya, spirit which cannot be broken."

Rowan raised an eyebrow. Tell the truth but hold some stuff back huh.

Shut up. I need to make an impression.

Feyre stared at me. "You're a queen?"

"Well duh. Queen, Assassin, musician," I looked at Rowan. Scullery maid. "Call me what you will, I've been all of them all."

I gestured towards Rowan. This is Prince Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius, of Terrasen, my husband and mate."

"And that," I glanced at Aedion. "Is my cousin Aedion Ashryver, Lord of Carravere and général of armies. And his wife and mate Lady Lysandra Ashryver of Carravere." Lysandra had taken the form of a black haired female, with green eyes.

"And here we have Lady Elide Lochan of Perranth and her husband and mate," I smirked and Lorcan rolled his eyes, already guessing what I was going to say. "Lord Lorcan Lochan of Perranth."

Feyre let out a small laugh at that but silenced as Lorcan glared at her. Wise choice.

"This is the loner of my court. Fenrys. No fancy title, no mate. Just Fenrys Moonbeam." I was about to introduce Manon and Dorian, but Manon's glare sent me a clear enough message.

"Manon Havilliard, queen of the witches and the Western Wastes."

"Dorian Havilliard, king of the Western Wastes, except for Briarcliff." Manon growled at the last part, but he gave her a cocky smile.

I stood up and bowed. "This is my court, at your service."


This was a lot to process. First Celaena, no Aelin, stormed in here after 2 days of being unconscious, wearing not one but three of my old gowns, all sewed together. Then there was the small fact that she was literally radiating power, and her Fae ears were pointing like a small beacon. Her eyes were actually on fire, and she had the nerve to wink at us.

Then she dropped the bomb that she was also a goddamn queen as well as assassin. She had listed a bunch of other names and titles that I forgot but had at the back of my mind. She had introduced her court and I tried my hardest to remember all the names. I might have to ask Rhys for clarification later.

"Okay, I guess it's my turn." I tried to sound calm and collected but from Aelin's smirk I could tell she wasn't fooled. "I am Feyre Archeron, high lady of night court. This is my husband and mate Rhysand, high lord of night court." I looked back. "Behind me is my court. The blond one is Morrigan, our truth teller and third in command. The shadowy one is Azriel, our shadow singer. The cocky one is Cassian, our general of armies. And the small scary one is Amren, our second in command. Although you seem to know her by another name."

Aelin nodded. "We have to have a little chat now."

Amren nodded back and the rest of my court left the room. The last thing I heard was Amren saying, "Well this will be an interesting story."

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