Chapter 14

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The tavern was dirtier then I expected. Animal heads of bears and deer were mounted on the wall. Drunk men wobbled on the bar counter stools. It was crowded, everyone was celebrating.

"Have you ever been drunk before?" Asked Samuel.

"Never that far. Just sips of wine at celebrations."

"Once you get a bit of that sweet ale in you, it'll change your life. Barkeep! Drinks for us!"

"Samuel. What if we get recognized?" I said quietly.

"We won't, we just need to keep a low profile. No talk about your crown or title. Understand?" He whispered.

I nodded, the barkeep got us two drinks. Samuel slammed his down. I sipped mine. It tasted gross, not nearly as sweet as wine.

"Bleh." I spat.

"Drink it!"

"I did, it tastes terrible."

"You don't drink it for the taste, you drink it for the feeling. Slam it back!"

I tipped my head back and chugged the drink. It left a disgusting after taste.

"Another!" He said.

"Another?" I said. Samuel ordered two more.

"Say, sir, what is this festival y'all are having? Me and my buddy aren't from around here." Samuel asked a burly man sitting at the bar counter.

"It's the lumber festival. We're one of the kingdom's top producers of it." He sipped his drink.

Samuel downed a few more drinks. He became quite chatty to me and the others at the bar. He was getting loud. Especially to the two young women who just entered.

"Samuel, maybe we should-." I tapped on his shoulder.

"Hush, Zander! You're being rude! Now, as I was saying... The beast stood in the middle of the Calkhorn desert. I had nothing but myself, a dagger, and a tube of paste."

The two women we're unbelievably interested in his story, or perhaps his muscles. Couldn't blame them I guess, who wouldn't be? Or maybe it was his sunny hair that hung down past his ears? Or his piercing eyes that put butterflies into anyone's soul?

Pfft, who's into that?

I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink. He continued his heroic stories, until the whole bar was listening.

"Samuel, I really think we should go."

"Don't be such a ween. Shh. I'm telling a story." He took another sip, he was definitely not sober.

"And then I vanquished all three of them at once!"

"Oh my gods! That's so crazy!" One of the girls jumped.

"Do you have any more stories?" Another asked, scooting closer to Samuel. She rested her hand on his knee. I rolled my eyes.

"You want to hear another?" He smirked. Everyone nodded with excitement.

"I was on an expedition in the Black Sea, rounding up pirates-."

I rolled my eyes. He was so annoying. So cocky, so all over the women there. I could not help but feel a bit of jealousy, despite not knowing where it was coming from. Did I really think Samuel was having the same reaction to me as I did him? Of course he liked women. He was into Mavis as well as the tavern women. What was I expecting?

I walked out to get some fresh air, leaving him in the tavern. I moseyed through the village. I'll admit, a little intoxicated. Not nearly as bad as Samuel, but enough to feel it. The festivities were still continuing despite it being night time. There was a dance in the town square, lanterns hung around to illuminate the party. Music played.

"FORTUNE! GET YA FORTUNE TOLD!" A woman shouted outside of her cart.

I stopped at a cart that read Madam Dreezle's Fortune Telling

"Would ya like your fortune told? Only five gold pieces."

"Ya know what? Why not?" I handed the woman the money and stepped in the cart. In the cramped cart was a table that separated me and the middle aged woman. She wore a long purple robe with pretty pins poking out of her hair. She wore rings on her long fingers and on her face. Her makeup matched the color of her robe.

"What's your name, sir?"

"Za.. Uh. Charles. Chuck. Whatever you prefer."

"Charles. You're a traveler, yes?" She said.

"Yes, I am."

She directed my hands over the crystal ball. And pushed my hands down on it.

"Put all of your energy into this. All of your energy. I need to feel your soul." She closed her eyes. I didn't know how to put my energy into anything, especially while a bit tipsy, but I tried.

"You have a very important job. Yes? You're indifferent about it, but you are grateful. Everyone you know thinks you're good at it and you receive high praise. I see a farm?"

Uh, sure. About right.

"Uh, yeah. That's me. I own a. Farm. Very busy farm."

"I see. Yes. I see that. A very large farm with many employees.  And a pet. Yes. And you have a partner. Yes. You do. But you love another."

"What?" I pull my hands away off the crystal ball.

"Haha, that's preposterous. I could never. Who? I would never. Haha. That's not true." I crossed my arms.

"Only you know who. Would you like me to continue?" She asked.

I nodded and put my hands back in place.

"Your love is strong. Do they return it?" She said.

"I doubt it." I replied.

"You have a long journey ahead, full of twists and turns. At the end of the journey, I see success. I see a homecoming to your loved ones."

"Wow! That's great!"

"I also see darkness coming. Yes. Someone will put you in grave danger."

"What's the danger? Did they do it by mistake?"

"Only you can find that out. Be safe. Be smart. Be honest with yourself."

I nodded.

"That's all I see. Thank you for your time. I'll show you out. Don't forget to tip!"

She walked me out of the cart. Who knew what was legitimate from that. She thought I was a farm worker in love with someone. How silly, I knew her fortune telling was just random guesses.

"Have a good night!" I said.

"Good night, your majesty." She said. I jerked back to turn around, the door was closed. She was gone.

"Zander! There you are!" Samuel was running towards me.

"Why are you running?" He ran up to me and touched my shoulder.

"Hurry! Come on!" We ran to the horses and hopped on.

"What is going on!"

"Get back here, you pompous asshole!" Shouted a large man with a club from outside the tavern.

"Hurry, ride!" He said.

What the hell did Samuel do?

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