Chapter 39 - The changes

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Third Person P.O.V

Taehyung reaches Bogum's house which is basically a rest house quite far from the city and also Taehyung's pack. Bogum has no one here in Korea anymore so he is staying in his grandfather's rest house which had been locked for almost over 10 years.

He looked around the place while walking through the garden area. He is not gonna lie but it's looking quite creepy to him. But it's beautiful as well. The house is very old and kinda aesthetic. The omega remembers about coming here once when he was little.

Taehyung knows that his human friend loves archeology and that's the reason he decided to stay here for his one month trip. But Taehyung is wondering why there is no shouting or chattering coming from the house because where his two wild wolf best friends stays, that place can't be this silent.

Did I come too early?

Taehyung takes a deep breath as he stands before the huge door which looks like a door of a kingdom. He rings the bell and after a minute Bogum opens the door.

"Hi." Bogum greets ever so softly and Taehyung doesn't know why but he feels some uncomfortable vibe in here. He doesn't get anything but he is sure that it isn't good for him.

"Hi." Taehyung also replies with a big smile and he enters the house. As soon as his feet touches the floor, he halts.

His eyes became bigger as he looked around the living room with a big ceiling. The living room isn't very big but it's very elegant. But Taehyung is shocked because it is decorated with hundreds of candles.

The omega starts sweating. He doesn't want to think of the situation which is coming to his mind right now. 

"Candles?" Taehyung asks looking at Bogum who is fondly looking at him. He doesn't feel like his best friend anymore. He feels like this person is going to change everything right now. 

"Yeah, I...I brought a lot from America, so I thought..." Bogum chuckles as he says that and Taehyung asks directly ignoring his lame excuses, "Where is everyone? Hobi, Min, where are they?" 

Bogum straddles at the new question. He furrows as he says, "Were they supposed to come?" Tarhyung also looks at him in confusion.

"You called me for a mo...oh God!" Taehyung gasps when he understands that Bogum only calls him and this is what he is thinking of.

He sighs as he starts walking back but Bogum holds his hands. He starts getting panicked as he asks stuttering, "Tarbear? Where.....where are you going?"

"Gummy, we are in a happy place. Everything is so simple. Why complicated?" Taehyung almost whines saying that. He can't show him the crazy heartbeat inside his chest. He is trying his best to breath normally.

"Sit here." Bogum says smiling as he sits the omega on a couch. Taehyung sits on it while looking around but he is not feeling good at all. 

Bogum kneels down in front of him as he holds Taehyung's hands ever so softly. If anyone would be in Taehyung's place right now, they would've felt so special but this omega is feeling nothing but scared. 

"It shouldn't be so simple that someone could easily walk out of our life, right?" Bogum whispers and Taehyung looks straight into his eyes which are so unfamiliar to him right now. He can't recognize his own childhood friend anymore. 

Don't do this.

The omega mentally prays and at that time Bogum hands him a blue velvet box. And Taehyung stops breathing.

"What's this?" He asks in rather irritation because he doesn't want it. He doesn't want to ruin things in the name of relationship.

"Box." Bogum answers as a nervous smile leaves his mouth and Taehyung looks at him with a questioning look because he simply can see what it is. Bogum mentally slaps himself for such lame answer.

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