Bonding with the Twins~

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Obviously, it wasn't only Mom and Dad who bonded with the twins. Alt-nii and I were also bonding with the twins. We naturally wanted to get along well with our new siblings, right?

I wasn't sure of how Alt-nii saw the twins—he might find the twins amusing and wanted to trigger more reaction or expression from the twins. He often played pranks on them. But since he grew up, his pranks were now in moderation.

That's good! The twins would definitely come to dislike Alt-nii if he were as rambunctious as he was!

Meanwhile, I tried to help the twins and guided them patiently to get used to their new lifestyle and home. Even more so when Mom and Dad weren't at home.

For example, when Freyja was fidgeting around like she was holding her pee...

"Ah, do you want to go to the toilet? Here, follow me."

When they were done playing at the garden...

"Eeekh, your feet are still dirty, let's wash them first before going in! There's a water tap over here... Or do you want me to use my water magic? Here!!"

"Lyra-samaaa! Keep your magic power in control! Ah, let Niina help the twins, will you?"

"No, it's my job as their big sister now that Mom and Dad are away! Niina can just go and do your job as usual!"

...I admit, I felt as if I was turning more childish these days. But I never really had this much fun before.

When the twins tried to peek the book I was reading...

"Hmm? Do you want to read this book, too?"

That was how I successfully won over the twins' hearts~! During when my parents weren't home, they were mostly following me like baby chickens would follow their mothers, too! Yay~! Mission achieved~!!

Ah, sometimes they also curiously went over to Alt-nii and Rurune.

In no time, I heard the adults gossiping about me... IN MY OWN HOME!!

Yes, things like...

"Look, look, Lyra-sama's so precocious!"

"She acts like the twins' second mother, how cu~te~!"

"It's true that girls mature faster than boys, huh?"

"At this rate, it won't be that long until Lyra-sama becomes a bride—and a wonderful mother!"


The part-time house helpers were all kind and friendly—and yes, they also participated in gossiping about me! Ah well, but they were praising me... I'm not even mad, I-I'm actually... happy!

This time around, I will properly do my role as a good big sister.

I finally got two cute little siblings, why would I take them for granted?

And unlike other kids their age, they were surprisingly obedient and taciturn. I wish they could be more selfish like the other kids—like Leti, for example. But hey, I might be able to say this because I have never dealt with noisy kids 24/7, huh?

Soon, the twins turned even calmer and understood that some people would always stay (us), while some would occasionally come and go (the part-time helpers). Their separation-anxiety was still there, but it got better!

Then, my maternal grandparents immediately showed up to welcome their new grandchildren! After they heard the whole story from my parents, they promised they'd try to visit us every now and then. To show the twins that they were also family!

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