Chapter 5: The Discovery

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The following morning the boy wakes up to find that the girl he saved is not in the house anymore. He would be worried about her telling the soldiers where he is, other than she did not seem to be on good terms with the soldiers in the city. Even if she did say something to them, as the boy plans to leave that day it would not be much of an issue for him. He eats a small meal of bread with some water, and then packs up all of his things including the bracelet he got from the strange woman. He then leaves the abandoned house.

Nearly as soon as the boy is outside of the house, he is spotted by a city guard who yells at him and begins to chase him. The boy runs and finds some place to hide. While the boy is waiting for the coast to be clear for him to leave the hiding place he thinks, "What is the issue with the guards in this city? You would like they would be glad that I got rid of the corrupt Lord of the City. However, I think they are actually mad at me. I guess that new Lord was able to corrupt them all in a short amount of time. It is weird that the man Denzel I was sent to kill and the Lord of the City were different people. Now that I think about it, I should have killed that guard that was following me last night. I was told to kill both though, so I just did what Father asked me to do. I wonder if that was a test or something."

After waiting for a sufficient amount of time the boy comes out of his cover and sneaks to the gate to leave the city. On his way he finds that there is a wanted poster for him hanging up. The boy finds this really strange and is starting to worry. He thinks, "Maybe Father didn't actually give me a good job to do. Perhaps the Lord of the City was actually a good guy and Father was wrong in sending me to kill the guy. I guess I will have to ask about this when I get back to the Capital."

Before the boy is able to get out of the city he spots guards at the gate. He tries a different gate and finds guard there too. After going to every exit in the city, the boy finds that at each of them there is an armored guard to keep people from leaving easily. This makes the boy's plans to leave much harder. However, he does not give up. He searches around the city to see if he can find a way to get underground. His plan is to see if there are tunnels or something that will lead out of the city.

The search for a way to go underground proves fruitful as the boy is able to find a sewage channel with an opening that the sewage drops through. The boy is not particularly concerned about the smell that is sure to cling to him once he takes this path. As such the boy follows the channel and jumps down the hole to the ground below. The fall is much longer than the boy was expecting and he is starting to worry about hurting himself when he lands. However, the boy lands in water.

Once the boy surfaces from the water he fell into after jumping down the sewage hole the boy looks around the area. He finds that most of the sewers are just water. It is like an underground lake full of garbage. The boy does find a small path of stone that he can walk on. The boy swims over to the stone path and climbs up onto it. Now out of the water the boy begins to walk looking for an exit of some kind to leave the water way. He finds a path that he thinks will lead outside of the city walls and starts to follow it.

As the boy is traveling along the path he gets a strange feeling like something is calling to him. He looks to see where the strange feeling is coming from and determines that it is in the water near where he is standing. The boy is not really sure why, but he decides to check out what it is that is causing him to be drawn to that area. The boy dives into the water and sees that there is a steel crate submerged at the bottom of the water.

The boy pops out of the water to get air and then decides to dive back down to the bottom and find out what is in the crate. As he nears it the boy notices that there are chains with weights on them that are tied to the crate. The boy begins to work on these chains, trying to break them. He is unable to do so. However, the boy does figure out a way to get them off of the crate. He does so, and then goes to work on the crate. He continually tries to pry the lid off using his sword. The sword snaps in the process, but the lid does come loose.

As the lid comes loose the boy pushes it out of the way and swims into the crate. Inside the crate he finds a chest which he grabs. The boy figures whatever is in the chest must be valuable, and he wants to see what it is. With the chest in hand, which is easy for the boy to lift as a result of the water, he swims up and pushes the chest onto the stone platform. The boy then climbs up next to it and goes to work on figuring out how to open it.

Continually trying to break the chest open does not go well. The chest is left without any marks on it. However, the boy has determined the chest does not have much in it. After trying to break the chest, the boy next tries to pick the lock using his throwing knives. He is not able to get them in easily, but does come up with a better idea. He swims down to his broken sword and brings it up to the water's surface. The boy then breaks a small thin piece off of his sword shard to use as a lock pick. Using this and a lot of effort the boy finally hears the lock click.

The boy throws open the chest lid excited to see what is in it. To his irritation there is another chest inside. Seeing this new chest the boy is ticked off and throws the first chest that is now open into the water. He then goes to work on the second lock. He gets it open to find that there is yet another chest inside. The boy is getting very frustrated now on the third chest. His irritation increases more as he finds a fourth chest inside of it, and then a fifth chest.

As the boy goes to work on the fifth chest's lock he is thinking that there is probably just a tiny item inside if anything. The boy thinks, "Either what I am eventually going to find is really valuable, or this was all just a strange prank that someone came up with. I was hoping for something I could bring back to Father, but I am not sure I will find anything." With a small click the fifth lock finally comes loose and the boy opens the lid. He closes his eyes hoping he will not see another chest.

Once the boy finally opens his eyes he sees that there is a small wrapped bundle in the box. He picks it up and starts to unwrap it. As the boy unwraps the cloth he finds that inside is a silver key. The boy begins to scream, "What the heck is this? I spend all this time breaking into chest after chest after chest just to get some freaking key. You have got to be kidding me. Of all the things to put in such a secure location, why would anyone pick a freaking key. It probably doesn't even go to anything. This was all just some practical joke that a person came up with years ago. I may as well just throw it away."

The boy gets ready to throw the key into the water, when suddenly he starts to feel the same way he did when he was led to the chest. Almost as if something is calling to him. The sensation is coming from the key that is in his hand. Not sure what is going on the boy stares at the key. For some reason as he looks at it the boy thinks, "I need to hang onto this key. I don't know why, but one day I feel like I am going to need it. This key probably is more important than I realize. I need to just need to figure out what it goes to. Then I will get whatever reward I was expecting to be in that crate."

Now that this little distraction has ended the boy pockets the key and returns to looking for a way out of the sewers. He finds one at the end of the path that he was following. Technically he finds a large crack in a wall that the boy is sure is a base of one of the walls. The boy goes to work and makes the crack larger so he can climb through it. He succeeds in doing this, but hears a rumbling sound as the last stone is removed. Not wasting any time the boy climbs through the newly made crack into a small tunnel. He watches as the wall collapses behind him.

Since the boy is now trapped on one side of the wall he figures he better walk through the new tunnel that he found. The boy walks along this tunnel that he has found. As he travels the boy notices that the tunnel appears to be sloped slightly upward. He does not think much of this and continues to follow the path. Eventually, the tunnel opens into a wide area. The boy realizes that he has found a cave. He looks around hoping to find an exit. He does find one.

When the boy reaches the mouth of the cave, he finds that he is in the mountains south of the western city that he was leaving. The boy decides that he is far enough away from the city that he can probably make it back to the Capital without any issues. As such the boy makes his way back towards the Capital hoping that his father will be pleased with the work that he achieved.

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