Harry is a slytherin!!

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The great hall was full of chatter until Dumbledore, had made the announcement that the new D.A.D.A teacher was part of the ministry and was informed by her that all students will be resorted in half an hour . The entire great hall was full of angry and annoyed faces and angry voices booming across the hall,After Dumbledores speech

Harry ,Hermione and Ron looked at each other with worry Harry and Ron knew that Hermione was gonna be put into Ravenclaw .Harry was worried of what the entire school was gonna think of their savior being a Slytherin...

After almost everyone was sorted
Umbridge called out for Hermione to come and get sorted Hermione was furious for being resorted when the sorting hat was put on Hermione's head she couldn't speak to it and after a couple of seconds a booming voice called out Ravenclaw! Hermione slowly made her way to the only familiar face at the Ravenclaw table ,Luna...

Ron was called up next he was relaxed because he new he was gonna stay in Gryffindor but he was sad that he and his friends were splitting up for the time being he walked up and sat on the chair and gave a rude look to Umbridge that was luckily unnoticed by her, the booming voice called out Gryffindor!! Ron walked past Harry and gave him a smile that told him he wasn't gonna judge him as a Slytherin.

Umbridge called Harry up with her annoying giggle Harry walked up the steps savoring his last moments as a Gryffindor , as the hat was placed on Harry's head Harry could hear a restraint S-sor-ry coming from the hat after what felt like an hour to harry but was probably a few seconds the booming voice shouted Slytherin!!

Everyone in the hall went quite... as Harry stood up to walk to the Slytherin table where the whole table was gob smacked to hear that the GOLDEN BOY WAS A SLYTHERIN !! It was mainly Parkinson , Malfoy and Zabini's faces that Harry paid a Attention to but harry has been called back by Umbridge to go stand next to her , she spoke in a loud but warning tone " see the hat was wrong to let you have opinions on your houses look our quote unquote savior is a Slytherin no wonder, look at how long he had manipulated us into thinking that he was a "Brave" Gryffindor when really he was a slimy snake" she spat the last word Harry's blood was boiling from her comment but she continued "you belong with the snakes I mean you can speak it!"she started to giggle Harry had enough and yelled angrily in her face "well I'm sorry that somehow I can speak parsltongue but do you think I wanted to!" Umbridge Interrupted with hast "Mr. Potter you have detention with me later today"Harry quickly turned around and started to quickly walk towards the door as he muttered " Great just when I thought I would get a year of peace but of course this bitch isn't gonna let that happen ."Ron , Hermione , Luna and Neville started to go after harry but when they got to the door they lost sight at him and went back to their seats as Umbridge was doing her sickly giggle as she was walking back to her chair . Snape was shocked , Mc Gonnagal had a worried look on her face and she was nauseous and Dumbledore just sighed as he continued eating all the while the hall were whispering about Harry.

Parkinson , Malfoy and Zabini sat there in silence not knowing how to react.

Harry went outside to cool down He was walking to the Owlery to go and see Hedwig . When Harry made it to the Owlery Harry just bursted out In tears and started to hit the wall his knuckles started bleeding after a few hits but he kept on hitting it,for a long while before he noticed he started muttering "fuck ,why me..." he started to get blurry vision as the tears started rolling of his face he went to a corner where he hoped he wouldn't be seen he sat down rested his head on his knees keeping his hands placed between his stomach and legs so his bloody knuckles ,wouldn't get cold and would hopefully get dried and kept safe from the cold.

The Silver trio and Mione , Ron, Neville and Luna were looking for harry ,mione asked The silver Trio for their help hoping that Harry would be found quicker they agreed only because Harry was now one of them and Slytherin look after their own .

The day went by and Harry was yet to be found

Harry had zoned out the world around him so much that he didn't hear footsteps coming up the stairs
" honestly if he's not here we're gonna have to get a teacher , imma kill him if he's gonna make me miss dinner by searching for him , Stupid Pottah!"
"Oh honestly Draco dinner is in 2 hours we'll find him by then" " shut up pansy" Draco suddenly stopped to examine the wall "luminous!" He pointed the wand towards the wall and saw the blood "Potter!" He yelled turning around ,Blaise and pansy went over to the wall while Draco started walking to what looked like an oddly shaped stone when Draco saw the boy he panicked "Blaise ,pansy Come here !"Draco said in hast the silver Trio just stood there in panic they didn't know what to do all of the sudden Draco knelt down and shook Harry slightly as Harry was snapped out of his trace and stared at the three Slytherin students standing in front of him Malfoy spoke up " Potter your friends and us were looking for you your friends are very worried" Harry just stared until a few moments later he said "leave me be Malfoy"
Malfoy said " Potter it's not that bad to be a Slytherin being cunning doesn't necessarily mean being sly and evil it can mean smart and able to outthink their opponents" hearing this he asked "Who the hell are you and what have you done with Malfoy!?"Harry sneered.
Pansy started snorting with laughter even Blaise were giggling a little

Harry just stared at the three of them laughing and remembered himself,Ron and 'mione laughing together . He dug his head back into his knees hoping they would go away,but they stayed and tried to convince him to get up even tried physically getting him up after about 10 minuets of trying Blaise said "Maybe we should get a teacher and his friends". Harry's head jolted up at those words and begged " please no they are just gonna take me to Dumbledore and I don't wanna have another one of those conversations with him !" Tears started rolling down his cheeks " and Hermione is gonna get all protective and over react at the slightest things" the Slytherins stared at the boy weighing out their options the Slytherins started whispering to each other before turning back to the boy "only if you comply with the conditions" Draco said softly Harry muttered a "fine..."

"First why is there blood on the wall Potter." Harry hit his head on the wall behind him thinking if he should tell them Harry lifted his hands and showed them his knuckles pansy let out a gasp "oh Potter..." she sounded genuinely concerned

Draco pulled out some bandages from his pocket and started wrapping Harry's knuckles and said "this will help a bit" Harry just stared "second, you have to come to the Slytherin dormitory's" Harry sighed "there is no way out of this is there ?" The three shook their heads "not unless you want us to grab a teacher and your friends"pansy piped it Harry took a couple minutes while slowly banging his head against the wall hoping he would open up a secret door to eat him when that didn't work he sighed a "fine"

Hello reader this is my first chapter and story ever written hope you enjoyed I'll update a new chapter soon !!

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