1. Kara-chan

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"TOBIO! WAKE UP!" Takara Kageyama yelled through her house from the kitchen.

There was muffled groaning and a tired-looking Tobio Kageyama stumbled into the kitchen where his sister was fixing breakfast.

"Boke Takara, why'd you wake me up so early?" he asked with a yawn.

"Cause we have school, dummy," she replied. He tried to grab a pancake from her stack but she slapped his hand with the spatula. "Go get ready, Moose."

"I told you, stop calling me that!" he complained, ruffling her perfectly brushed hair. "It's embarrassing."

"Then when I come to your school today, I'll say it to all your friends," she replied as he made his way to his room. "And Tobio? Do try to make friends."

Her brother walked up the stairs and she continued making pancakes until the batter was gone. She set the stack of pancakes on the table and went to her own room, changing into her Aoba Johsai uniform.

She grabbed her blue hairbrush and brushed out her short blue hair. She stuffed it into her duffle bag along with her practice clothes and shoes.

(I may say blue or black for her hair, it doesn't matter which)

She put in her black rose earrings and her metal loop earrings on and went back to the table.

Her brother still wasn't there.

Takara stormed to her brother's door and pushed it open. He was dressed in a maroon shirt and the same color pants.

"What the heck is taking you so long!?!" she yelled.

He turned to look at her and noticed the uniform, "Takara..."

"I'm not talking about my choice of school," Takara said, cutting him off and crossing her arms. "I didn't judge yours, you don't judge mine."

"But he's there..." he began again.

"I am well aware," she continued. "I'm going to school at Aoba Johsai High school and I'm going to see my two, old friends, Hajime Iawaizumi and Tooru Oikawa. Now, come to the table and eat your breakfast!"

----Timeskip brought to you by a very angry Takara-----

"Now, remember," Takara scolded her brother. "Don't be mean to kids who are shorter than you."

"Why would I do that?" he asked.

"Well," she said. "You didn't seem too happy with that orange-haired kid."

"Orange haired kid?" he asked.

"Never mind," Takara said. "Now, leave, or you'll be late."

After Kageyama left, Takara grabbed her school bag and duffle bag and headed to her own High school. Aoba Johsai.

Takara approached the large school and walked through the front door. Students were bustling around her, talking to old friends, and signing in for clubs.

Takara made her way to the sports clubs until she found the table with the words, Volleyball on it.

She made her way towards it, not paying attention to who was sitting in the seat.

"Uh, hi," she said looking at the hallways around her. "I applied for the manager of the boys' volleyball team."


Takara finally looked at the person at the table to see her old friend, Tooru Oikawa.

"Hey, Oikawa," she said.

"I thought I told you to call me, Tooru," he answered with a smirk, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Haha, no," she said, shoving his arm off. "I'm here to see if I got accepted as a manager, not to be flirted to."

"You're no fun anymore," Oikawa pouted. He went back to the table and looked through some papers.

"Well, it's got you listed as manager here," he said holding up a piece of paper. "Practice starts after school in the volleyball gym. Good luck, Kara-chan."

He winked and she snatched the paper out of his hand with an angry frown. She took the paper and folded it up, stuffing it in her bookbag.

---time skip brought to you by flirty Trashykawa---

"Kara-chan! You finally made it!"

Takara had gotten lost after school and didn't know where the gym was. So, after she changed she wandered around and ran into a kid named, Watari, who was going to the gym.

So, after she changed she wandered around and ran into a kid named, Watari, who was going to the gym  

 So, after she changed she wandered around and ran into a kid named, Watari, who was going to the gym  

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This is what she's wearing, and some volleyball shoes.

"Kara-chan?" she heard another voice ask. "Takara?"

Takara traced the voice back to her friend, Hajime Iwaizumi. Iwa walked over to Takara and Oikawa.

"Hi Iwa!" she said, giving him a quick hug.

"I didn't know you applied to go here," Iwa said.

"Oh, I didn't, I got a scholarship," she explained to the spiky-haired man.

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" a voice asked from the rest of the volleyball team.

The three friends turned around to look at the rest of the team.

Takara only recognized two people, Kindaichi and Kunimi.

Both boys saw her and the color drained from their faces.

"This is Takara Kageyama, she's our manager," Oikawa said.

Kunimi and Kindaichi went even paler. Takara would be allowed to help with practice for the boys at Kitagawa Daiichi and she put them through a living nightmare. If she was going to be the manager, they might as well be dead already.

The team greeted Takara and she waved back, "Now, I don't want any of you to even think about flirting with me! If you do, you will find yourself lying on the floor with the air knocked out of your lungs."

"She means it," Iwa said.

"Aw, Kara-chan," Oikawa said. "You're cute when you're angry."

Takara glared at the man and grabbed his wrist, twisting it and judo flipping him onto the gym floor.

The team gasped except Iwa, who was laughing.

"Well," Oikawa gasped from the floor. "That's one way to introduce yourself."

Yahoo! Author-chan here! It's only the first chapter and I love this story. I hope you guys love it too! I love you all and stay safe from Corona!


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