29. Training Camp (2)

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It was the next morning and the managers had to wake up early to fix breakfast.

"Too...early," Mai mustered, dragging her feet into the kitchen with Takara not far behind her.

"It's not that bad," Minami said. "I've had to wake up earlier."

"Well, we should probably get started because when the boys come back from running, this place is going to be filled with testosterone," Hana said laughing.

They all went into the kitchen to start cooking.

-timeskip brought to you by this bond we have made(jk jk too sappy)-

"Finally," Takara said, collapsing on the floor. "We're done and the boys still aren't back yet."

"What's taking them so long to run?" Runa asked. "I could run faster then they could."

"Well, apparently," Mai said. "They didn't do too well yesterday so Coach Washijo made them all run extra laps."

"Ooh," Hana said. "I would never even try to reason with that demon coach."

"He's not all bad," Minami insisted. "He's just difficult. Once you hang around him, you start to understand his state of mind and why he does what he does. He just wants the team to get better."

"Well, thanks for the history-er I mean, informative lesson," Mai said, cracking a smile. "But don't you guys think we should be worried?"

"Nah, who cares?" Takara said, waving her hand up and down. "They'll come when they come."

-timeskip brought to you by the boys being very late-

"What' the schedule for today coach?" Takara asked Coach Irihata as they all headed into the gym to play practice matches. 

"Well, first we play Johzenji," Irihata said, checking his paper. "Then, Shiratorizawa. And after that, Date Tech."

Takara nodded. The boys were stretching on the floor with Johzenji on the other side. Date and Shiratorizawa were already in a match on the other side of the gym. 

After they were finished stretching and warming up, the game started. Oikawa's serve was first. He gained them 15 points just from his service aces.

"Give them some chance to fight back!" Takara yelled at him. Oikawa chuckled as he was given the ball once more. He served it over the net, much slower then normal. The Johzenji captain received it and the ball flew back over the net. Makki received it and sent it to Oikawa who jumped up and set it to the other side of the net.

Iwa jumped up and smacked the ball down to the floor. But before it touched the floor, a Johzenji player, the libero, stuck his foot out and received the ball. They sent it to who Takara assumed was the setter, who set it into the air.

The captain jumped up and spiked the ball over the net, earning Johzenji their first point.

"But not too easy," Takara groaned.

The rest of the game went smoothly. Aoba Johsai won both sets, the first 25-15, the second 25-23.

The boys were given a break so they could relax and get some water before they played Shiratorizawa. Takara handed them all water and towels. The training camp was actually more boring then she thought.

She looked over the gym watching the other teams closely, looking for weakness. At Johzenji, Hana was berating the team over and over again (especially the captain), while Runa watched. At Date, the captain was talking (flirting?) with Mai.

The scene at Shiratorizawa was a bit disastrous. The captain and vice captain were trying to hold back a guy with ash blonde hair. He was obviously mad at the tall red-head, who was hiding behind Minami.

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