23. Talk with Tobio

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Takara sat beside her new boyfriend on the bus ride back to the school. She held his hand and rested her head against his shoulder.

It felt...normal. Being able to shower him with affection but in public was something Takara was looking forward to.

She didn't go to sleep on the way back, she just listened to the sound of her own heart, beating contently in her chest.

That night she dreaded going home cause she knew what was going to happen. Kageyama would probably either yell at her, or refuse to speak to her. Or if she was really unlucky, both.

The team piled off the bus and went into the gym. Takara helped put up the equipment despite everyone telling her not to.

She had just finished putting up the volleyballs when she noticed the gym was practically empty. Except for one person.

"Oikawa why didn't you go home with the others?" she asked as she picked up her bag from off the ground.

"I wanted to walk you home," he replied with a smirk, holding out his arm to her. "I don't want you running into any perverts."

She took his arm and they started walking out of the gym, "That's what you said the first time you asked to walk me home."

"I know, but this time it's especially true, cause I don't want anyone to hurt my precious Kara-chan," he said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

Takara giggled as they walked down the road, holding hands.

"I'm so glad we won that game today," Oikawa said.

"So we can continue and eventually win right?" she asked.

"Somewhat," Oikawa replied. "It also wouldn't have been as majestic if I had asked you out after we lost."

"Either way I would've said yes," Takara said. "Probably."

"Probably?"he asked. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Takara said. "It's not important. What's important is that I said yes."

They continued walking down the road to Takara's house, "Hey Oikawa?"

"Hm?" he hummed as they stood on the porch.

She leaned closer to his face their mouths inches apart. She could feel his breath on her cheeks, "Watch out for perverts. Goodnight!"

She turned around and walked into her house, laughing at Oikawa's shocked face. She looked around, expecting to see her brother but the house was surprisingly empty.

She set her bag down and walked over to a note on the table.

It read:


I'm walking. I'll be back later.


No I love you. Yep, he's definitely mad.

Takara sighed and went up to her room. She charged her phone and grabbed a towel and clothes. She walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on to hot.

She took her clothes off and stepped under the water. She washed her hair with shampoo, making sure to scrub. After washing her hair and and body, Takara got out of the shower and heard the front door shut.

She dried herself off and changed into her pajamas. Then she headed downstairs to the kitchen.

She walked in and found her brother with his hands out in front of him,leaning against the counter. She tried to creep around him but he turned to look at her.

He had a bandage on his cheek and his hair was disheveled. 

"Oh my gosh, Tobio are you okay?" Takara asked getting closer to look at his face. "What happened."

"Nothing, just a fell," he said, turning away from her. "I want to talk to you."

Takara nodded and they both went to her room. She sat down on the bed and her brother sat down beside her. 

"Tobio, I know what you are going to say but-" she started but she got cut off.

"Why him!? Why!? I would've been fine with anyone else, but you chose him!" Takara looked up at her brother.

"Tobio, You might not understand how I feel, just like I don't understand how you feel, " she started. "But, he's different. And though he isn't perfect, he's perfect for me. And even if you don't approve I need to you to at least try, for me."

She paused, "I like him, a lot. More than I thought I did. He's nice and funny and though he can get on my nerves at times, I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. Please just support me on this."

Her brother looked shocked at her words, "Is that where you went on Saturday?"

Takara nodded. She then grabbed her brothers hand, "I'm not saying that you have to like him, just don't be rude and I'll make sure he's not. It'll make me happy to know that I have your consent on this."

"Takara," her brother said. "I'm only saying this because I love you and I want to see you happy. If...he is the one you choose, I won't stop you. But know this, if he does anything to you, I'm going to kill him."

Takara smiled, "That's all I needed to hear. Thank you."

She brought him into a hug and thy sat on her bed hugging for a while. 

Yoohoo! Sorry for taking so long to update! Here's a short little chapter for you guys. Hope you like it!The reason I haven't updated though is because it's hard to write this and juggle school work at the same time. I will most likely update on weekends from now on or bits during the week if I have inspiration.

Love you all! Stay safe!


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