16. Mistake

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I drew Takara and I wanted to show you guys!

I drew Takara and I wanted to show you guys!

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  Now you know what she looks like! I hope you like it! 

On with the chapter!

The next Tuesday, Takara walked into the gym, ready to try her new practicing method.

"Alright boys!" she said as she entered. "Who's ready to actually sweat?"

"What do you think we do every day before and after school?" Makki said as he bumped a ball to Mattsun.

"Kara-chan please don't kill us," Oikawa said, putting his hands in a praying gesture. She ruffled his hair.

"Sorry," Takara said. "It's a hobby for me."

She took her clipboard out of her bag and looked at the list she compiled,

"30 Jumping Jacks

20 squats

35 calf raises

30 second pike stretch

40 crunches

20 toe touches

60 second wall sits

10 push ups

20 sit ups

20 second seal stretch

and a 40 second plank."

All of the boys looked at her with their jaws hanging open.

"Oh and of course our usual volleyball workouts," Takara finished, looking at the boys. "What? You guys might not want to but the next time we play Karasuno, we will beat them. As well as any team that gets in our way."

The boys cheered, making Takara blush, "Now, 30 jumping jacks. Go!"

Later that day Takara was walking down the hallway to go to her class when she saw the thing she was hoping to avoid.

In the middle of the hallway was Oikawa, kissing another girl. Takara knew she shouldn't have been jealous. They weren't even dating!

But something churned in her stomach and he felt like her heart had fractured. She quickly ran away from the scene and headed to the practice gym.

She sat down in the stands and hugged her knees. This day reminded her of the day she went to the Carnival with Oikawa.

Except this time he was busy shoving his mouth onto another girls.

Takara buried her head in her knees but felt a tap on her shoulder. Takara looked up and saw Iwa. Takara got up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. (It's weird cause she's taller than him) He returned the hug and she put her head on his shoulder. She cried. Ugly, ugly tears. 

Then she sat down with Iwa beside her.

"I'm assuming this is because of...?" he asked.

Takara nodded before he could finish his sentence. Iwa wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "Takara, I have no idea what you see in him. And I know for a fact that he doesn't deserve you. And if he breaks your heart one more time, I will back you up when you go to kill him. I just want to say. That if you do like him, tell him. He talks to me a lot. The only thing he talks about besides volleyball is you."

Takara looked up at the ace. He smiled down at her and wrapped his other arm around her, "He really likes you, much more than he likes anyone else in this school. Even me, and I'm his best friend. You can do what you want with that, but I'll back you up no matter what you do."

He planted a brotherly kiss on her head and Takara smiled.

---time skip brought to you by me!---

Takara left the school for her physical therapy. She was walking down the road and heard her named called.

"Kara-chan! I'm going to come with you!" Oikawa said as he jogged toward her.

"You weren't invited," Takara replied. "So no."

"Please Kara-chan," he pleaded. "I don't have anything else to do."

"Oh so that's what I am," Takara said turning to face him. "Your little play thing that you turn to when you're bored? Something to use one minute and discard the next?"

"Kara-chan? That's not what I think about you at all," Oikawa said, looking hurt.

"You're right," she told him. "You're only acting like you actually like me to mess with my brother. You want to make him jealous. I can't believe I actually like you."

"No- Takara I don't feel like that about you. I like you a lot," Oikawa said. "In fact I love you!"

Takara stopped walking, "Sorry, Oikawa, I have to go to therapy."

She continued her walk to the doctor's office, leaving the brunette behind in the road.

Takara reached the doctors office and went up to the receptionists desk.

"Hi Ms. Kageyama, I'm afraid the doctor isn't here today," the lady said. "But, he did tell me to give you this paper for you to practice at home."

The lady handed Takara a paper with different shoulder rehab exercises.  Takara thanked the receptionist and started heading to her house.

When Takara got home, she set her bag down and looked at the paper the lady gave her.

The first drill made her put her left hand on a flat surface and slowly move her right arm back and forth.

Takara placed her left hand on the dining room table and leaned slightly. She slowly started to move her shoulder. It hurt a lot.

She moved it up and grunted, she scrunched her face up but continued. She slowly moved it back down. The pain in her shoulder was unbearable. She put her arm back to her side and sat down, closing her eyes.

After the pain subsided, she decided to try it again. She put her left hand on the table and started moving her right arm. Moving it hurt, a lot, but she knew if she didn't do it, her shoulder could never get better.

She finally manged to be able to move her arm slowly back and forth without it hurting too much.

The next stretch was a cross shoulder stretch. Takara lifted her arm up as slow as she could. She started bringing it over her chest, and she closed her eyes because of the pain.  She used her other arm to slowly pull her right one over her chest.

She grunted and let her arm swing back by her side. She had no idea how she was going to survive these stretches.

Sorry this chapter's so short! I had absolutely no inspiration! I hope you enjoy the picture and the chapter!

Stay safe -Author-chan.

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