25. Afterwards

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Oikawa and Takara sat outside the school until all the other players left. Then they went to Oikawa's house.

Takara saw that Oikawa's mom wasn't home so nothing would be awkward. She took Oikawa to his bedroom and sat him down on his bed.

She sat down right beside him, patting his back while he cried. 

"I'm sorry Toru, I should've been there," she whispered giving him a kiss on the head. He continued to cry and eventually fell asleep, resting against her shoulder.

Takara positioned him to lay down and she left his room. She decided to go home to get some stuff.

---timeskip brought to you by sad boi Oikawa---

Takara got blankets, snacks, alien movies, and drinks from her house. She walked inside Oikawa's house and went to his room.

She opened his bedroom door and saw that he was still sleeping. Takara set her supplies down and went to his bed. She pulled up the covers and crawled under them. Se wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head down on the pillow. 

After a few minutes he turned over to face her, now awake, "Hello Kara-chan."

His voice was very soft almost a whisper.

"Hi," she said back with the same softness in her voice. 

He smiled and she could see the traces of tears on his cheeks, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm comforting you," Takara said pulling them closer. "You need it."

They hugged for a minute until Takara sat up "I brought some stuff."

She got out of the bed and grabbed the fluffiest blanket she brought. She wrapped Oikawa in it and went back.

"Which one?" she asked, holding up the alien movies. She had brought the movies, E.T., Arrival, Signs, Encounters of the Third Kind and The Thing.

"E.T." Oikawa said. Takara smiled and put the movie in the DVD player. She then grabbed the snacks and drinks she'd bought and dumped them on his bed, "I also brought refreshments."

Takara then grabbed her own blanket and curled up right beside Oikawa who had the remote in his hand. He pressed play on the main menu and the movie started. 

---timeskip brought to you by watching alien movies---

*Oikawa POV*

They had finished watching The Thing and it was getting dark. Oikawa looked over to Takara who's hand was on his chest. She was sleeping, her mouth hanging open a little. Oikawa smiled and turned his TV off. 

He then kissed Takara's forehead, "Good night Kara-chan. Thank you."

*Takara POV*

Takara slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She looked at her surroundings and remembered that she was at Oikawa's house.

She heard a small yawn from her right and she turned to see Oikawa smiling at her with half-lidded eyes, "Good morning Kara-chan."

"Morning?" Takara asked. She saw the sunlight shining through the window and onto the bed. "We slept for a while."

"Yeah," Oikawa said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "I'm surprised that you didn't hear my alarm."

"Why do you need an alarm?" Takara asked, rubbing her head against his shoulder.

"School," Oikawa said. "I decided not to wake you and I honestly don't feel like talking to anyone except you today."

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