✨Special Chappy!✨

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First of all! I wanted to say thank you for 2k reads! I appreciate you guys' support. On with the chapter!

Takara had woken up that morning like usual. She got up, went downstairs, ate breakfast. But, she got a strange call.

"Hello? Iwa?" she asked.

"Uh, Takara you, need to come to the school," Iwa said, worry in his voice.

"What? But it's Saturday, why?" she asked. 

"There's a problem with Oikawa," he said. "He well, I don't know what to make of this, and we all need your help desperately."

"Okay, I'll be there in five," she hung up and got changed.


"Okay I'm here, what's the crisis?" she said, walking into the gym. She heard sobs echoeing through the gym as Iwa walked up to her.

"Uh, you see-" he started.

"I'm ugly!"

"That's Oikawa," Takara said. "Why?"

"It'd be better if I show you," Iwa said. The rest of the team was crowded around Oikawa(I think).

"Move out of the way," Takara said. The team parted, revealing a girl. She had brown hair and red rimmed, brown eyes. She wore a baggy shirt and pants.

She looked up at Takara and her face brightened, "Kara-chan! It's you! Thank goodness you're here!"

"Woah, who are you?" she asked.

"It's me," she said, standing up. "Toru Oikawa."

Okay she was not expecting that one.

"Are you serious?" she asked. She looked around at the other players. "Is this for real?"

"Yep," Makki said, stifiling laughter. 

"We called you because you're a girl and you know, you could help," Iwa said.

Takara rubbed her temples, "Okay, first of all, you need clothes. We're not going anywhere until you're wearing proper clothes. So, you're coming to my house so I can find you clothes. Then we can go to the store."

She grabbed female Oikawa's hand and turned to the rest of the team, "The rest of you don't have to worry. I've got this. You can all go home."

Takara then proceeded to drag Oikawa to her house.

"You're lucky Tobio had practice today," Takara said, leading her(him?) in her room. "Otherwise you would most likely be ridiculed."

"Thank you for saving me Kara-chan!" Oikawa exclaimed.

Takara dug through her drawers and brought out shorts, "Put these on, in the bathroom. Keep the shirt on but tuck it in so it looks nice." 

Oikawa took the shorts and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes she came back out, "Being a girl is weird."

"Yeah," Takara said. "Time to go to the store, you need to get measured."

"For what?"


"Uh this is so uncomfortable, how do you do it?" he asked. They had went to the store and had gotten her(him?) fitted for a bra.

"I know right it's torture," they headed to a clothes store. "Okay, time to buy you some clothes. You can get whatever you want, but you're buying your own clothes."

Oikawa got a somewhat evil glint in her eyes, "Yay! I've always wanted to know what I'd look like in girl clothes."

"That's odd," Takara said, frowning. "I'm going to sit down, you find your clothes."

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