30. Training Camp (3)

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Ugh boys.

Takara had been told many times that she was very pretty and of course she accepted the compliments.

It was completely different when she was bombarded with boys asking her for her number.

First it was the Johzenji captain. He had pinned her against the wall and tried some fancy flirting. That of course, resulting in him asking her for her number. Being the smart person she is, she gave him the number for the orphanage. 

Every text you send automatically donates $15 from your bank account to the children.

The second person to attempt it was the Date captain. He had pulled her outside while Aoba Johsai was running around town.  He had made it quick and simple, just straight up asking her.

She gave him the number to a steakhouse that was in Fukushima.

She walked through the hallways back to the managers room to a get a five minute break. If another boy came up to her asking her for her number, she was going to murder them.

She sat down on her sleeping pad and rubbed her forehead. She pulled out her phone to text Oikawa.

💖My Queen💖


Thoru Oikawa

Hey Kara-chan! Are you okay? Iwa-chan said you looked upset

💖My Queen💖

Just, boys keep flirting with me and asking me for my number

Thoru Oikawa


💖My Queen💖

No! They don't know we're dating, it's harmless

Thoru Oikawa

Well, I don't like the thought of a bunch of probably perverted boys flirting with you

💖My Queen💖

Yeah, we should probably show some PDA in front of everyone but discreetly. Start acting more flirty. Stuff like holding hands, kissing, hugging, you know

Thoru Oikawa

Good idea Kara-chan! I'll start once you get back into the gym!

💖My Queen💖

Good. See you soon, I'm taking a break

She turned her phone off and put it on vibrate. She then set a timer and layed down on the bed pad. She closed her eyes and took a quick nap.

I will win and I will rise, all of Paris Akumatized. No more Secrets, no more lies. Soon their miraculous, their miraculous will me mine.

I will win and I will rise, all of Paris, Akumatized. No more Secrets, no more Lies. Soon their Miraculous, their Miraculous- 

I will win! And I will rise! All of Paris Akumatized! No More secrets! No More lies! Soon their Miraculous, their Miraculous, their Miraculous, their Miraculous will be mine!

*Evil villain laughing noises*

Welp, I guess Takara wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. Oikawa had introduced her to a show called Miraculous Ladybug: The Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir. They had watched all of the episodes and the Youtube channel let out a theme song for Hawkmoth. 

Oikawa had listened to it on loop all day before the training camp. It was now in her head. Takara got up and grabbed her phone stuffing it back in her pocket. So much for sleep.

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