5. Miwa Kageyama

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(Be warned this is a very long chapter)

"What time did she say she was coming?" Kageyama asked her panicking sister. 

"4:00," she answered. "But, we'll both be at practice."

After Takara had told her brother the news, they had stayed up and talked about it. It was now almost time for them to go to school.

"I've got it!" Takara said. "We'll both be at practice right? Well, she can come to Sejioh and then I can walk her home. We definitely don't want her to know that you go kicked off the team."

Kageyama nodded, "I don't like it, but it's the only thing that will work."

Takara took out her phone to message her sister:

😶Younger Me😶

Hey, Miwa! I just wanted to let you know that, both Tobio and I will be at volleyball practice when you come. So, just come to my school and then after practice, we can walk home.

😶Older Me😶

I gotcha, what school will you be at?

😶Younger Me😶

Aoba Johsai High school

😶Older Me😶

See you then, I love you both!

"Ok, I told her," she said putting her phone back in her pocket. "You've got everything for school, right?"

Her brother nodded. Takara and he headed to the door. Takara shut the door behind them and they parted ways to their own schools.

---timeskip brought to you by Miwa getting here!---

"OIKAWA! IWA!" she yelled when she got into the gym that afternoon. Both of the boys ran to her side.

"What happened are you okay?" Oikawa asked.

"Yes, I'm okay," she said. "But um, I need to tell you guys something, seeing as though you are the captain and vice captain."

"What is it?" Iwa asked.

"I have an older sister," Takara said wringing her hands. "And, she's coming here, today and I realized that both Tobio and I would be at practice at the time she came. So, I told her to come here. Is that okay with you guys?"

"Takara," Iwa said. "It's fine, she can watch us practice."

"Be warned," Takara said. "She's loud, and very nosy."

"We should probably tell the rest of the team, so they don't get confused when she gets here," Iwa said.

Oikawa nodded and the two boys headed over to the rest of the team. She saw them explain things and a couple boys looked at Takara.

"Okay," Takara said once all the boys had been informed. "I want Oikawa, Iwa, Mattsun, Shido, Kunimi and Yuda on that side of the net and I want the rest of you, on the other side."
"But, Kageyama-san," Yahaba said. "We only have five people on our side."

Takara looked at the teams and noticed a missing spot.

"I guess," she said. "I'll play, but no one try to kill me. And I will be criticizing you while you play so, be ready."

Takara put down her clipboard and took off her jacket, revealing the dark blue tank top she was wearing.

She walked over to the empty corner and got ready. Kunimi served it and it went to Takara who did her best to hit it to Yahaba.

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