13. Enter, the Great King

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Set two began.

A guy with black hair from Karasuno served the ball to Iwa who hit it to Yahaba.

"Kunimi!" Yahaba yelled. Kunimi ran and jumped up, hitting the volleyball in between a block. the ball went down and the Megane on the other team hit it high into the air.

Kageyama got a hold of the ball and set it into the air. It looked like Tanaka was going to spike it but at teh last second Kageyama set it and the shrimp ran up. He jumped in the air with his eyes closed. He swung his arm and didn't hit the ball.

"Must be new to quick attacks," Takara murmured. 

Mattsun served it and the black haired guy on the other team hit it. He hit it to Kageyama,  Tanaka called for the ball. But at the lest second the shrimp jumped up and spiked the ball over the net.

Both teams stood in silence.

Silence that Takara broke, "Kindaichi! At least try next time!"

The Turnip turned around to look at her, his facial expression, flabbergasted.

The score was 10 to 9 with Karasuno winning.

The ball was served and Tanaka hit it to Kageyama. The shrimp ran up and jumped in the air and the blockers followed him but Kageyama set the ball to Tanaka. Who jumped up and spiked it over the net.

Kindaichi cursed and Iwa walked up to him, "Don't lose your cool Kindaichi. We're scoring plenty of points on our own. Don't let them get it to you."

"Ok!" Kindaichi said, enthusiastically.

After many plays leading to points for both teams, the coach of Aoba Johsai called a timeout.

"Don't let their freaky quick attack get you guys down," Takara told the boys. "And if you guys mess up, your running ladders and suicides back to back, got it?"

The boys nodded.

"Good," she said, letting the coach take over.

Takara looked to where the Karasuno team was huddled up and caught Kageyama's eyes.

Takara scrunched up her nose and stuck her tongue out at him. He did the same thing and immediately caught the attention of the blonde megane, who looked at her. 

She glared at him and then turned back to her own team. The boys were getting water and Yahaba walked up to Kindaichi.

"Dude, Kindaichi," he said. "Kageyama's nothing like you said!"

"I-I've never seen anything like this either," Kindaichi said. "I can't believe there's a spiker who can keep up with his unreasonable sets."

 "You guys are wrong," Takara said. The boys looked at her. "Number five wasn't even looking at the ball. He trusted Kageyama enough to know he would set it right to him."

The timeout was soon over and the score was 18 to 17, with Karasuno winning. Kageyama had set the ball to the tall bean pole who spiked it past Aoba Johsai's blocks. 

Then Kageyama and the beanpole started fighting. Daichi had to go between the two to stop them.

It was then Tanaka's serve. He threw the ball up and hit it over the net. Kageyama and Bean pole continued to argue again but when Iwa jumped up to spike, they blocked him.

"Dang it," Takara mutter, looking at the score. They were now losing by three points.

After a few more plays the score was 24 to 22 with Karasuno winning.

"C'mon guys, you're better than this!" Takara yelled to the team.

Hinata spiked a ball over the net, winning the second set.

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