11. Recovery

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Takara had been walking around the hallways of the hospital for the past three days. The nurses and doctors insisted she started walking to get the blood flowing to her legs.

She had gotten five calls from Oikawa and twelve from Kageyama since she finished her surgery. She had assured them that she was fine every time.

Her doctor had scheduled physical therapy for her shoulder when she got back to Miyagi. She would have attend therapy every Friday.

It was her last day at the hospital and she was in her room, waiting for the doctor to come and take out the stitches. 

She was looking out the window when the doctor came in.

"Hi, Ms. Kageyama," the doctor said. "Are you ready to get rid of those pesky stitches?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," she said. The doctor put her arm on a table thing he had brought. He grabbed a pair of tweezers and a pair of medical scissors.

Takara watched as he removed the bandage around her shoulder, revealing three tiny wounds that were stitched up. The skin around the wounds was yellow and there was red from the marker.

Takara looked away from her shoulder and waited for the doctor to remove the stitches. She heard a small snap and then a pull at the skin and the doctor set down one of the stitches, strings.

He continued to remove the stitches, Takara feeling the pulling every time until he was finished.

"And we're done," the doctor said, wrapping her arm back in a bandage and helping her put it in her sling. "You're free to go home today but you will need to check-in at the Miyagi doctor's office for an occasional check-up for three weeks."

Takara nodded.

---time skip because get stitches removed must feel weird---

Takara was finally free to leave. She still had her arm in a sling and it was wrapped up but she had her possessions and clothes again.

It was Tuesday around 11:00, which meant she would be able to get back to Miyagi before school ended if she took the bullet train.

She got into Miwa's car and shut the door.

"So, how does it feel to be stitch-free?" Miwa asked as she turned out of the hospital.

"Good, actually, but my skin looked so disgusting when he took the bandage off," Takara said, gagging.

"How long do you have to be with a sling?" Miwa asked.

"Four to six weeks," Takara said, staring out the window. 

Miwa turned onto a highway and continued driving. Takara looked around, not seeing the train station.

"Why aren't you going to the station?" Takara asked her sister.

"Oh," Miwa said. "You just got out of the hospital. I don't want you being shoved into on that crowded train. You could re-injure your shoulder."

"You're so overprotective," Takara said. "But, I guess I could use some sleep."

Takara turned her body so her shoulder wouldn't touch anything and she closed her eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

---time skip because I'm not explaining a four-hour trip---

Takara groggily opened her eyes to find Miwa driving her car into the parking lot of Aoba Johsai High school.

"Good," Takara yawned. "We're here."

"Now, don't hurt yourself or do anything with your right shoulder," Miwa said.

"Miwa, you can stay at our house tonight," Takara said as she opened the car door. "We don't mind. Plus you can crash in my room again."

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