✨Christmas Special✨

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Heh so Christmas is days away but I wanted to write a special chapter about it.

"Good morning Mom," Takara yawned into her phone, pouring herself a cup of coffee in the kitchen. There was only a week left till Christmas and she and her brother had already put up decorations and the tree.

"Good morning sweetheart," her moms sweet voice replied. "Did I wake you up? You sound tired?"

Takara sipped her coffee, "No Mom, I've been awake for two hours." If anyone should've been woken up it was Tobio. He slept through breakfast.

"That's good," her mother said. "Well, I wanted to tell you that, your father and I have been given a little holiday from work. We'll be coming home for Christmas, we'll actually arrive this afternoon from our flight."

Takara almost choked on her coffee. She set the mug of hot liquid on the counter "Really? That's great! I'll tell Tobio."

"Perfect," her mother said. "Oh, and Miwa should be arriving tonight as well. Though I'm not sure if she'll get there before or after us. And I wanted to tell you, I wanted to host a party with all of you and Tobio's friends!"

"That's really no a good idea Mom. Our friends don't get along, she jotted it down in her head. "Great! I'll see you later then."

"Nonsense, I'm sure it'll be fine!," her mom told her. "!And Takara."

"Yes Mom?" she replied, picking up her mug and taking another sip.

"I want to meet that boyfriend Miwa told me all about," she said. "See you soon sweetheart, goodbye!"

The phone hung up and Takara dropped the mug. It shattered against the wooden floor, scadling hot liquid seeping into her socks and slightly burning her skin.

She cursed under her breath and quickly stepped over the shattered cermaic to get a towel. She grabbed the peices of the deceased mug and sopped up the spilled coffee. She'd do a more thorough cleaning once she'd woken up Tobio.

Her footsteps thudded down the hallway as she stopped in front of her brother's bedroom door. Without knocking, she pushed it open and flicked on the light switch. Her brothers eyebrows scrunched together and he opened his eyes.

"Takara what are you doing in here?" he groaned, slowly propping himself against the bed with his elbows.

She placed a hand on her hip, "Mom and Dad will be here soon for Christmas and Miwa is coming this afternoon. You need to wake up so you will not be a zombie once they get here. She shut his door and went to her own room, changing into a festive christmas sweater and black leggings.

She walked back into the kitchen and did a more thorough cleaning of the spilled coffee. The worst part was that afterwards she had to take out the trash. It was snowing and was 20 degrees outside. Takara huffed and grabbed the bag, opening the front door.

She stepped out onto the cold ground and quickly hopped to the garbage thing. She set the bag down and ran-walked back inside. 


beep beep

Takara glanced up from her book to see a taxi pull into the driveway. Takra yelled fo her brother and set her book down slipping on her shoes and jacket. She stepped outside and ran to meet her mothers outstretched arms.

"Oh, I missed you sweetheart," her mother said, resting her chin on Takara's shoulder. "You've grown so tall! And you're hair looks lovely!"

"Thanks mom," Takara laughed. Then she turned to her Dad whoe held out his arms open as well. Takra crushed him in a hug and Tobio finally came out. (as gay. but we already knew that) 

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