4. Boke

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After all her classes, Takara went to the bathroom to change. She was in the stall, changing into her practice clothes, when a small group of girls entered the bathroom.

"Did, you see the way he was holding her?" one of them asked.

"Are they dating?" another one asked.

"They can't be," a third said. "He would've posted it on his social media and I know for a fact he didn't do that."

"And then she pushed him away," the second voice said. "Who does that?"

'Great,' Takara thought.'Fangirls.'

Takara finished changing and opened the stall. She was greeted by three short girls who were all standing at the mirror. They all seemed to be around five feet tall so she towered over them.

All the girls had shocked looks on their faces.

"Excuse me," Takara said. "I need to wash my hands."

One of the girls stepped away from the sink and Takara stepped forward, rubbing soap on her hands and sticking it under the cold water.

After washing her hands, Takara left the bathroom and went to the gym.

'I freaking hate fangirls,' she thought as she made her way to the court. 'They're always so nosy and-"

She was stopped because she ran into a solid body and started falling towards the ground. She was caught before her back could hit the wooden floor.

Takara looked at her savior and groaned. It was Oikawa. he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and his hand was holding hers. He was dipping her towards the ground like they were dancing.

Takara quickly got up and out of his grasp.

"Thank you for uh-saving me from falling," she said, bowing to her senior.

"Don't worry, Kara-chan," Oikawa said with a smile. "But, I do want payment."

"Payment?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Go to the park on Saturday. Meet me at the cherry blossom tree."

Takara rolled her eyes and took out her phone. She clicked the notes app and typed out the message.

"Fine," she said, putting her phone back in her pocket.

Oikawa smirked and the other players filed into the gym.

Iwa walked up to her and glanced at Oikawa, "He didn't do anything, right?"

Takara shook her head and Iwa nodded, "If he does, tell me."

Takara nodded and Iwa joined his teammates.

---timeskip brought to you by Oikawa's fangirls---

"Tobio!" Takara called. They had ended practice early, so she went to Karasuno to pick up her brother.

The door to Karasuno's gym was open, so Takara peeked inside. She saw Daichi talking to the rest of his team. She looked around the gym and found Hinata and Kageyama looking through the window.

Takara walked around to the other side of the gym.

"Spying?" she asked.

The two boys fell from their perches and onto the ground.

"Tobio, if you're not practicing, why don't you just come home?" she asked her brother as he and the shrimp got up.

"We need to speak to Daichi!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Don't bother that poor man," Takara told them. "He's got enough to deal with, with Tobio."

"Boke, Takara, boke!" Kageyama said.

"Don't boke me boy, I'm the one who taught you that word!" Takara scolded him.

"We still need to talk to Daichi, It's important!" the shrimp squealed.

"Here he is now," Takara said, seeing Daichi leave the gym with Sugawara and Tanaka. The two boys bounded to Daichi with Takara not far behind.

"I'm sorry I told them not to bother you," Takara said.

"One, two three," they whispered. "PLEASE LET US PLAY!"

They bowed to their senpai's and Tanaka laughed, "You know we could here you count, right?"

"Can you two get along?" the captain asked.

Hinata nodded furiously but Kageyama shook his head. Sadly.

"Boke, Tobio, boke," Takara muttered under her breath.

"How about this," Daichi said. "We have two first years coming Saturday. We'll hold a three vs. Three match. If you win, you both get to play. If you lose, you get to play but Kageyama won't be setter."

"Ooh, he got you good," Takara said causing her brother to glare at her. 

"That's it?" Hinata asked.

Daichi nodded and the three boys continued their walk.

"C'mon, Moose," Takara said, making Kageyama huff. "Time to go home."

---timeskip by an angry moose-

"Are you going to be at the 3 vs. 3 match on Saturday?" Kageyama asked his sister. They had both changed into their pajamas and Takara had decided to hand out in his room for a while.

"I doubt they'll let me," Takara said. "And besides I have a date."


"Date?" Kageyama asked. "With who?"

"Did I say date," Takara asked."I'm going to be hanging with one of my old friends from Junior High. I thought friendly outings were still called dates."

Kageyama sighed in relief and Takara felt a buzz in her pocket.

She fished her phone out of her pocket and checked it. It was a message from Iwaizumi.


Goodnight Takara

                                                                                                                                                           💖Judo Flip

                                                                                                                                   Night, Iwa

Takara put her phone back in her pocket, "We should probably go to bed Tobio."

Kageyama nodded and she gave him a kiss on the head and went into her room. 

She plugged up her phone, turned off the lights and crawled into bed.

---timeskip to 5 in the morning---


Takara woke up to a notification on her phone. She reached over to her bedside table and turned the phone on, flinching at the brightness. She checked her notifications to see their older sister had texted her.

Takara read over the text, her eyes widening. She put her phone back down, threw off the covers and ran to Kageyama's room.

"Tobio, wake up!" Takara said, shaking her brother.

"Boke, Takara, what is it?" he asked, groggily.

"Miwa's coming," she said.

HEY GUYS! Hope you liked this chapter. MIwa's coming! YAY!

I love you all, stay safe


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