9. Inspiration from a Good Boy

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Takara and Oikawa walked into the volleyball gym, laughing and holding hands. They were ten minutes late because Takara insisted they get something to eat.

Takara was holding her llama and looking at Oikawa when she heard someone clear their throat. 

They both looked to the source of the noise to see the entire team, standing in a group, staring at them.

"Uh, hi," Takara said. She remembered she was holding Oikawa's hand and she quickly let go. "W-why aren't you guys practicing?"

Yahaba crossed his arms, "It's hard to practice if you don't have your captain or your manager."

"I'm so confused," Makki said, rubbing his forehead. "This morning, she didn't even want to be in the same room as you, and now you come in, late, holding hands and talking to each other."

"Oh, well um," she rubbed her neck. "We were ditching."

Iwa eyes widened, "You were ditching?"

Takara nodded, "When I left this morning I went to my homeroom class. Then I went to the bathroom and heard some girls saying something-"

She was cut off by Oikawa, "You heard them saying something? What were they saying about you?"

Takara blushed, "Just that I only joined the volleyball team to hang around with you guys. But that's not important. After they left, I decided I didn't want to go to school anymore so I came in here to ditch and ran into Oikawa. He apologized and we decided to ditch together."

"And we went to a carnival," Oikawa continued. "And we had fun."

"I don't like your definition of fun," Iwa said, crossing his arms. 

Takara blushed even more, "N..no, nothing like that, we went of the carousel and the teacup ride and I won him the alien. Then he won me my llama and we both bought each other stuff."

Takara moved their plushies out of the way to show their jackets.

"Are you sure?" Iwa asked. Takara nodded furiously.

"So," Makki said. "That means, you didn't check Instagram?"

"Why would I need to check Instagram?" Takara asked. All the boys looked away, not saying anything.

Takara pulled out her phone and brought up the Instagram app. When it loaded, Takara could barely believe what she saw.

It was a picture, of her and Oikawa. At the park, kissing against the tree. The picture was zoomed in too so, you could see how tight Oikawa was holding her and where her hands were.

"Oh no..." she said, looking at the picture again. "I-I can't I...need to go."

She put her phone up and ran outside the gym. She ran with all her might to Karasuno High School.

She ran to the gym but didn't go in, instead she sat down against the wall and cried, hugging her knees. She knew her brothers practice wasn't over yet so she sat there, crying.

She heard the gym door open and  a sweet voice say, "I'll be right back Daichi! I need to get something!"

She heard footsteps but they suddenly stopped.


Takara looked up to see Sugawara. He rushed toward her and squatted down next to her, "Are you okay?"

"Oh," she said, rubbing the tears out of her eyes. "I'm fine, I'm just waiting for Tobio."

"You're obviously not fine and I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong," He said sitting down.

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