32.Spring High-Miyagi Prefecture Representative Playoffs

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Hiya! So I realized I didn't want to have to write all of the details of every single set and so... I'm just going to do tidbits of each set to make this chapter shorter and not a monstrous length. I still love you guys!

Aoba Johsai had already beat Dewaichi High and Date Tech. They were now going to play the flightless crows.

Takara headed onto the court and made her way to the bench sitting down. She waited for a minute before the rest of the team came out. Oikawa headed straight toward her, grabbing her by the waist and giving her a kiss.

He pulled away for a second before going in for another one. She stopped him though.

"Aw, but Kara-chan," he pouted. "Just one more."

"I'll give you one more if you win," she told him. She pushed him towards the rest of the players who were warming up and sighed. She watched her team warm up but her eyes wandered to Karasuno's team.

Her brother was setting as fast and accurate as ever and Hinata was jumping with speed and precision to spike his sets. She could tell a lot of te players had noticed Kyoutani and were watching him.

Takara filled up the water bottles at the fountain and when she came back she heard a terrible conversation in between Yahaba and Kyoutani.

"Hey look," Yahaba said. "Karasuno has more girls. Now there's a cute one too."

"You're right," Kindaichi said. "Why do I feel so irritated?"

Yahab hit the volleyball over to Karasuno's new manager and start walking over asking her to get the ball for him.

She was about to storm over but out of nowhere a volleyball came flying towards the poor blonde girl. The other manager, Shimizu, stepped in front of her and hit the volleyball away from the frail manager.

Yahaba stopped dead in his tracks and the bald guy handed him the ball back. Takara started walking towards him casually but once she was in range, she grabbed him ear. 

"Why are you two always the one's that disappoint me the most?" she asked, dragging him back to the Aoba Johsai side. She didn't care if this was all on television. "Stop being so obsessed about girls and focus on the game!"

She shoved Yahaba into Kindaichi and they both continued warming up. Takara took a deep breath and went to apologize to Karasuno's new manager. She walked over to the blonde girl who was cowering below her.

She smiled, "Hi, I'm Takara Kageyama, the manager of Aoba Johsai. I would like to formally apologize for the actions of the two boys on the team." She bowed causing the shorter girl to shriek. Takara stopped bowing and found Shimizu standing beside the girl.

"This is Hitoka Yachi," Shimizu told her. "She's our new first year manager."

"It's nice to meet you Yachi-san. I'd like to stay and chat but I'm afraid of what the boys will do in my absence."

She bowed once more and walked back to the bench sitting down. A few seconds later teh whistle blew and Oikawa and Daichi shook hands, telling each other something before the ref flipped the coin.

She couldn't so who got what but she saw Oikawa smiling when he got back. Tails, but Karasuno chose to receive first. What luck. The team went to the line and bowed yelling, "Let's have a good game!" 

Takara, Irihata and Mizoguchi also had to bow to the coach, advisor and managers of Karasuno.

"I liekly don't have to tell you guys but, Karasuno is a formidable opponent," Oikawa told the team.

"It's rare for you to speak to frankly," Makki commented.

"That's because I still can't shake the memory of our last match with them," OIkawa said. "If we let our guard down, they'll eat us alive. Let's go out there and start this thing off with a sizeable lead."

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