28. Training Camp (1)

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"Okay boys," Takara said, walking into the gym. It had been three weeks since they'd lost against Shiratorizawa. "Who's ready to practice till they fall over?"

Makki gave a weak woohoo as Takara set down her school bag. 

"Calm down, I know your excited," Takara said, sarcastically, making sure everyone was there. Everyone was not. "Where's Oikawa?"

"He was captured by his fangirls right when school ended," Kunimi told her. Iwa, got up and started walking toward the exit but Takara stopped him.

"I can handle it, Iwa," she said, tossing her clipboard onto the floor. She started walking away, towards the school.

"She's angry," Mattsun said.


Fangirls were infuriating. Screaming their heads off whenever they saw him, even in the middle of the hallway. You'll walking in the school, minding your own business when you hear it. Multiple piercing screams ringing through your ears.

Takara walked up the stairs to the source of the squealing. Oikawa was being surrounded by a bunch of short girls. Why were all the girls in this school so short?

Takara walked behind him, not catching his attention. She wrapped one arm around his shoulder and turned to face his fangirls.

"Hi, sorry to be the one to ruin the moment, but, Oikawa-san has volleyball practice today," she said in her nicest and sweetest voice. "I'm sure none of you want to be responsible for the reason our captain isn't at practice. Cause if the captain isn't there, how can the rest of the team practice. And if the rest of the team doesn't practice, we can't get better to beat all of the opposing teams. None of you would want that, right?"

"Well, if it means you guys can win," One girls said. The others nodded in agreement.

"We're sorry for holding you up Oikawa-san!" a bunch of them yelled bowing. 

"Oh uh, it's fine-", he was cut off.

"C'mon, Oikawa-san," Takara said. "We have practice."

They both turned and walked away, back toward the gym.

"That was mean Kara-chan," Oikawa told her. "Making them guilty."

"Do you think I actually care?" she asked. "And you better be glad I didn't go with plan A and throw my shoe at your head. And I wouldn't have missed!"

"Okay, okay," Oikawa said. "Calm down."

She flicked his forehead anyway to make sure he got the message and then went on ahead to the gym.

"We're back!" she said as she  and Oikawa walked inside.

"How'd it go?" Makki asked.

"Splendidly," Takara said, picking up her clipboard from the ground. "Have you all stretched?"

The boys except Oikawa nodded, "Okay. Oikawa go stretch on you own, the rest of you, serve."

The boys nodded and got their volleyballs while Oikawa stretched. She looked at her clipboard and noticed the sticky note she had gotten from the coach.

"Make sure to tell the boys." Was all it said. Takara of course knew what it meant but she didn't like it. The team wouldn't like it. Heck she didn't even think the coaches liked it. But they were invited so they had to go.

"Hey guys!" Takara called, getting the boys' attention. They all stopped what they were doing and huddled around her. "I have something to tell you guys."

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