10. Surgery

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It was Friday, the day before Takara's surgery. She had somehow survived the week because something Oikawa posted on his Instagram.

Oikawa also hadn't been to school all week cause he was resting his knee. According toe the doctor he would be fine to play volleyball, he just had to wear a knee brace whenever he plays.

Takara was watching the afternoon volleyball practice and was being especially hard cause she didn't want anyone to think Oikawa's injury would make practice easier.

"C'mon guys," she said as they played 5v5. "I'm getting surgery done tomorrow. Make me happy this one practice so you can send me off to Tokyo a happy person. 

The boys continued playing, not saying anything back to her statement. She watched the boys play and sat down. 

To be honest, she was not ready for Saturday. Sure she wanted to have the use of her right arm back but, having surgery was still shocking to her. 

"Kageyama-san!" was the only thing she heard when a volleyball hit her in the face. 

The whole team rushed to her and she grabbed her head, "Ow."

"Takara, your nose is bleeding!" Iwa said. Yahaba brought over the first aid box and Takara opened it, grabbing lots of tissue and holding it to her nose.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom and take care of this," she said gesturing to her face. She started walking away but she turned to the team. "Just curious, who hit me?"

Kindaichi slowly raised his hand, "Turnip-kun, fifteen suicides. Iwa make sure he does them."

Takara walked out of the gym hearing the boys talking behind her.

---timeskip to the next morning---

"Yes Tobio, I am absolutely sure you don't need to accompany me to Tokyo. Besides, I'm staying with Miwa, remember?" she asked him. He had been nagging her all morning to let him go with her.

She grabbed her suitcase and her jacket, "I'll be  back in a few days, don't worry." 

She kissed his cheek and made her way to the door. She walked outside and shut teh door behind her, walking to the train station.

The bullet train for Tokyo came into the station and she quickly got on, managing to snag a seat before the train was crowded.

She put her bag in her lap and leaned her head back against the seat of the train. She only had to sit in the train for 2 hours so she would be thoroughly bored.

She pulled her phone out of her bag and checked her messages.

Thoru Oikawa

Hi Kara-chan! I heard you're having your surgery today! I wanted to wish you luck!

💖My Queen💖

Hi, Thanks, but Good luck? You're acting like I'm gonna die!

Thoru Oikawa

I'm sorry Kara-chan, I don't know what to say to a person who's getting surgery

💖My Queen💖

Me neither so, I guess it's fine, see you Tuesday, I heard the coach is telling us some news. Your leg should be healed up by then right?

Thoru Oikawa

Should be, I think

💖My Queen💖

Well, by Oikawa

Thoru Oikawa

Bye Kara-chan!

Takara put her phone back in her back and zipped it up. She didn't want to go to sleep on teh train, just in case someone tried to rob her, so she had to endure sitting on a crowded train for two hours.

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