18. We're what!?

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Takara and Kageyama got home and Takara set her bag down. She walked to the dining room table and started moving her arm back and forth. She had gotten used to the pain and it hadn't been so persistent as it had been the first time she did the stretch.

After moving her shoulder back and forth for 30 seconds, she gestured her brother over to her.

"I want you to help pull my arm across my chest," Takara said as Kageyama grabbed her forearm. "And don't stop pulling until I scream bloody murder." 

Kageyama nodded and started pulling her arm across her chest slowly. She used her other hand to steady herself against the table.

She grunted. The pain felt like someone was sticking multiple needles in her shoulder and then hammered them in deeper. Then they took the needles out and hammered them back in all over again.

She felt tears fill her eyes but she kept her mouth shut. 'Just don't think about it.'

Kageyama had pulled her arm as far as it could go and she did her best to not scream. After 20 seconds, she let out a cry of pain and he let go of her arm, letting it fall to her side.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" Kageyama asked.

"Jeez Tobio," she grunted. "I'm fine, just hurts a bit. Now, hand me my umbrella."

"Why do you need your umbrella?" he asked, grabbing it and handing it to her.

"It says I need some sort of stick," she said, pointing to the sheet of instructions. "This is a stick."

She put her hands on the edges of the umbrella and started moving her arms back and forth behind her back.

She closed her eyes and let out a few deep breaths.

"Takara? Do you enjoy embarrassing me?" Kageyama asked his sister.

"Of course I do," she said switching exercises. " Ow- I'm your-ow-sister it's my-ow-job."

She put the umbrella down and rubbed her shoulder, "Enough stretches for today."

She grabbed her bag off the floor and went to her room. She plopped on her bed and unintentionally took a a nap.

---timeskip brought to you by Kuroo's laugh(IDK)---

Beep Beep Beep

"Stupid frick frackin alarm," she muttered as she turned her phone on and hit the dismiss button.

Today was the day the team was leaving for the Interhigh Prelims. 

Takara swung her legs off her bed and stretched. She grabbed her sling from her bedside table and carefully put it on. After getting up she went to her closet. Takara grabbed her teal t-shirt and white pants. She also grabbed the Aoba Johsai team jacket they had given her.

She threw off her pajamas and started putting her clothes on. After changing, she walked to her drawer and pulled out a pair of socks and slipped them on. 

Takara walked into her bathroom and looked in the mirror. She started to mess with her bushy and frizzy short hair but to no avail. She then decided to brush it.

She brought the brush through her black tangles and winced when they wouldn't come out. After finally fixing her hair, she put in her earrings and splashed her face with water. 

Takara dried her face off with a towel and started packing a bag. She stuffed towels inside the bottom along with a first-aid kit. She put in her own water bottle and her phone and earbuds.

She zipped up her bag, grabbed her tennis shoes and headed outside her room to be greeted by her brother.

"Hey Moose," she said, continuing down the hallway. "Ready for today?"

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