33. Aftermath/Cheering on Tobio

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Takara was worried.

She hadn't heard from Oikawa all night. When the team had gone to the ramen shop to eat their feelings, Takara stayed home. She didn't feel like hanging out with anyone, especially since it would probably make her cry harder than she already was.

She just headed home. She sat in her bed, in her pajamas, staring at the wall. She had nothing to do, nothing to think about,

There was a knock on her door and she grunted, a sign telling whoever was out there to come in. The door opened and in came her brother, wearing practice clothes and hot and sweaty.

"Hey," he said, walking into the room. Takara didn't reply. It's like her vocal chords weren't working. "I understand if you don't want to talk to me right now. I probably wouldn't want to talk to me either. But, I picked up some meat buns, if you're hungry."

Takara looked at her brother. He was pointing his thumb towards the kitchen and looking at her.

"I mean, you don't have to come I just thought you might be hungry," he continued. "But, I'll leave you alone. "

Then her brother closed the door. Takara sighed and got off the bed and headed towards the door. She opened it and walked into the kitchen where her brother was.

He perked up slightly when he saw her and handed her a plate of two meat buns. She took it and headed to the living room, sitting down on the couch.

He soon followed after and they sat there, eating meat buns in silence. 

"Congratulations on winning," Takara mumbled. "I'm proud of you. You did good."

Her brother didn't say anything but out of the corner of her eye she saw him smile.


It was the next morning and Takara had found her way to the gymnasium where the Shiratorizawa and Karasuno game would be held. She walked in and was overwhelmed by the crowd of people.

She weaved her way through them, using her height to her advantage and reached the stands. She was wearing her hood over her head and a mask on her face just in case she ran into her brother. She didn't want him to know she was here just yet.

She lurked around, trying to find a good place to sit or stand when she was grabbed by the arm.

The person dragging her was very beautiful. She had short cut blonde hair and sharp eyes. She was shorter than Takara but she was way more intimidating.

She dragged her through the crowds and ignored her protests. They finally reached the front of the stands and the lady let go, "This time I found an actual spy!" A guy with black hair, a guy with blonde hair both looked at her.

"What!?" Takara asked. "I'm not a spy."

"Oh yeah, well explain your outfit, you looked just like this bafoon," she pointed to a tall guy with golden blonde hair. "Sneaking around, trying to fit in with Karasuno!"

"Woah, calm down," Takara said, holding her hands up. "I'm not a spy." She took her mask off and let her hood down. "My name's Takara Kageyama. I'm Tobio Kageyama's twin sister!"

"What!?" the lady squawked. Takara gave her a smile and the lady muttered something about being two of them.

"So you had to wear a disguise too?"

Takara looked to her right to see the guy with golden blonde hair, "I'm Akiteru Tsukishima."

Takara choked on air, "You're brothers with him?" Tsukishima nodded. "Are you sure? You seem too nice to be related to that french fry."

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