Chapter 6

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The days classes dragged by as Bonnie tried to distance herself from people, particularly Fred and George.
This usually comes rather naturally to her and most people know she likes to be left alone.

But news of the prank on Filch spread fast. The subsequent boldness of the twins owning up to it, while throwing Bonnie's name into the mix, seemed to be causing people to gravitate toward her more, as if this has now made her more relatable and approachable. As if, perhaps if the twins liked her, then she must be ok in their minds.

She didn't purposely try to be left alone. It's just that since first year, people seemed to rather the company of people who would join in on conversation rather than just listen. Or preferred someone who didn't have difficulty reacting how they wanted to a particular story they were telling, instead of a blank face.
Bonnie just didn't have the patience to pretend to be feeling things she just plain wasn't.

This meant that while she had people who would say hello and sit next to her at lunch, she didn't necessarily have a group of friends. She remained a floater. Which suited her just fine.

But thanks to Fred and George Weasley, the other students now thought she had somehow become another person overnight. This baffled her.
She had a war inside her brain, one part wishing the red headed boys would just leave her very well alone, so everyone else would too.
The other part, a very small but prominent part, wished that around every corner she would see just one particular red headed boy smiling at her. She didn't mind this one. This red head didn't have to leave her alone.

Bonnie's next class was half her favourite class, half her least favourite class. It all depended on what they were learning and what classroom they were in that day.

Bonnie loved the stars. She could gaze at them for hours on any given night. She didn't much care for the 'predicting the future' part. She just liked to look and learn about them ever since her parents had given her a beautiful, golden telescope for her 8th birthday. Along with a detailed book on how to find certain stars, planets and constellations.
She would stare into the telescope for hours as soon as the sun went down. Even after her mother tucked her in and turned out the light, she would untuck herself and tiptoe to her window where the telescope was always set up and look into the nights sky until her eyes hurt.

She dreaded the Divination classes located in the stuffy, over-perfumed classroom of Professor Trelawney. Where they would spend the hour long class staring into empty floral tea cups, or looking into glass balls covered in fingerprints and dust.
Luck was upon her though as this class was in the astronomy tower. Granted, it was daytime so there would be no stargazing during this class, but learning about it was just as close. At least the tower had sunlight and the gentle end of summer breeze flowing through.

Bonnie climbed the ladder to the tower and went to take a seat on the floor in the corner, wanting to stay out of the way of anyone hoping to make conversation with her.
She opened her book and busied herself reading about constellations they'd be focusing on this semester.

First on the list - the constellation Ara.
'Great' Bonnie thought sarcastically 'A constellation all about love and romance. Just what I need to remind myself of. At least George doesn't seem to be in this class' She was relieved about that.

Just then Professor Trelawney makes her entrance, grand as always, with a flourish of her multi coloured cloak and her eyes glinting behind a pair of gigantic glasses that magnified them to 3 times their actual size.

"Good afternoon seventh years! I foresaw whom among your peers, would have the wisdom to take this class in the noble art of divination in your final year..."

"Or she just saw the class list" sniggered Angelina Johnson to the girl she was sitting with.

Trelawney glared at Angelina out of the corner of her eye and swept past them to circle the room, as she continued "I can also foresee whom among those in this classroom do not have the gift needed to pass this class"

Angelina's face dropped, this seemed to shut her up.

"Today I thought we would start the year with something exciting, to open up to the beginning of a wonderful year full of passion. We will begin with learning about the constellation Ara. We will use that and her aura of love to find what - if any, romance is in the stars for your personal charts."

A number of students groaned their disapproval - mainly the boys.

Trelawney faltered for a moment seeming genuinely surprised at the disdain for what she was sure would be a intriguing class. Nevertheless, she carried on to talk start about Ara and it's mythology.

Before she could get far though, the entire class jumped as the trap door swung open, thudding loudly as it landed.
Bonnie swung her head towards the sound.

"Sorry about that! Don't mind me, just forgot where this tower was. Don't much come by here"
Bonnie stared open mouthed. It was bloody George Weasley.

'You've got to be kidding me' She thought as she tried to shrink into the shadows, willing George not to see her.

"Weasley you surely must have the wrong class" Trelawney said, with what sounded to be hope as she rushed to scan the class list. Her face seemed to fall as she spotted George's name at the bottom of the page. Apparently she hadn't 'foreseen' this particular student taking her class.
George grinned at her as he shook his head and started to scan the room for a place to sit. His eyes scanned past Bonnie and then doubled back to catch her eye.

His long legs strode over to where she was sitting and he plopped himself down beside her, giving her a nudge and whispering his greeting.

She sighed.
Predicting her romantic life while George Weasley sits next to her? Sounds like a nightmare and a dream at the same time.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now