Chapter One: Living In Neverland- Introduction

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Neverland is a complicated place to understand. Well, if you don't live there that is. In order to get to Neverland you have to fly. No, not in a plane, you silly person. It isn't that simple.

If you want to get to Neverland, you have to be young. As in a child. If you want to go and you're over 19, forget it.

You see, after a certain age you stop believing in things and you start thinking like an adult. And no offense, but adults are lame and boring. Just saying. Let's get back on topic, shall we?

Anyways! Neverland is a wonderful place full of magic. "Magic?" You might be asking, "There's no such thing." I assure you there is, just not on the mainland where people grow old and stop believing.

As I was saying before your thoughts rudely interrupted me, Neverland is an amazing place where there is magic, pirates, fairies, and lots of other mystical creatures.

But like every other place, Neverland has specific people that make it run correctly. And for Neverland, that would be Peter Pan and his Lost Boys.

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