Entrance exam test

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Darkest Hero


sorry this hadn't been updated in ages, got side tracked with ideas. Also took a while to try and figure out what to continue on with that didn't involve anything related to the GW IP stories, eventually I settled on this one and the skyrim crossover so expect it to be updated soon.

This chapter has been censored to comply with the rating rules on this site and as such some of the story will be labled with [Redacted] in place of the adult content. Sorry for any problems, I will post a uncensored version of this when I can't get the appropriate site working.

As usual I don't own a thing.

CHAPTER 10: Entrance Exam Tests.

To say the exam was unique would of been a gross understatement. Not even the normally sadomosoginist Kayama had much to say. One girl was fighting with half her face burnt, the blonde who did it was bezerking on the robots and a vine haired girl was wracking up points fast enough that the robots secondary programming to go after the largest threat had overloaded causing them to go to the nearest sorce of noise.

"So, all in agreement that blonde asshole will be handed over to either the cops or hell?" Vlad King asked in a bored tone.

"Agreed." Almost everyone replied in unison. Only Nezu and recovery girl said nothing. Nezu because he still wanted to see where things went and recovery girl because she was biting down on her cane in anger, using it as a gag to stop her screams of anger ringing out through the school.

"It's illogical not to just call the police on this one." Aizawa droned from his sleeping bag, a juice pouch in his grasp.

"Kaachan never went this far before." Izuku admitted softly as he entered the room with Charlie and Vaggie under escort of lunch rush who handed a pouch of juice to Aizawa and a thermas of coffee to snipe who was sitting quietly in the corner of the room watching the monitors and occasionally marking something down at a computer.

"True but we can't interrupt the test without having to retest everyone unless he attacks another applicant again." Nezu stated bluntly. "You know the HSC is just wanting to jump in and take over the school."

"Stupid pencil pushers." Nemuri grumbled in annoyance. On more than one occasion the HSC or Hero Safety Commission had tried to interfere outside their preview such as with the school which fell under the education board or in heroes private lives on numerous occasions even without merit. Nemuri herself had a personal grudge against them after they blacklisted her original hero costume and later did the same to her second one. She didn't get what the problem was, lingere was clothing hence she wasn't naked after all.

Charlie nodded empathetically as she patted nemuri's shoulder. "Tell me about it, the amount of beurocratic Bullshit I had to go through to open the hotel was insane."

"I'm still surprised that you managed to get it all done in a week while Vaggie and I struggle with the damages list for just one week." Izuku sweatdropped.

"Shush. Tired." Vaggie groaned as she tried to get to sleep on one of the chairs in the corner. Aizawa nodded in sympathy with the moth demon.

[Test Arena B]

Ibara panted as she squeezed her vines together causing a dozen or so robots to come crashing down from above, breaking on impact with the ground. That lot alone should be about another 13 points to her total. While it was helpful the majority of her points had came from Rescue points, mainly by pulling others out of the path of danger or swatting aside fallen debris not that she knew it, to her knowledge she was only on 28 now.

"LISTEN UP CONTENDERS, ONLY 5 MINUTES LEFT!" Present Mic called out over the intercom system installed over the fake city making many students start to hurry up or panic.

"42!" A blonde teen with a jewelled belt called in a French accent as he rushed down the street and into an alleyway.

"39!" A brown Furred teen who looked like a sasquatch called as they ripped a robot in half. "Make that 41!"

"59!" A ginger haired girl with large hands called as she rushed down the street in the opposite direction to the initial teen.

Ibara gulped nervously. She had only gotten a few in comparison to the others. Her hair twitched in irritation as she rushed off to find more robots only to find herself back on the main street of the false city which was now littered with the husks of the robots destroyed earlier.

The sound of crunching and grinding filled the air as contestants began to scream and run past Ibara who wipped around in confusion before freezing in shock. A massive robot with treads was plowing straight down the main road flinging debris everywhere. Something shot towards it only to be swatted aside. A shout of pain got her attention as dust kicked up from one of the fake cafes, a bloodied arm was sticking out of the rubble. Her eyes went wide as she sprinted forward, her vines helping to propell her along.

"Hold on, I'll help you." Ibara smiled softly as she grabbed the hand and removed the concrete using her vines.

Staring up at her while growling was the same blonde teen she sat next to on the bus. He was bruised and covered in scrapes and dust but looked fine asides the unnatural positioning of his thumb which was twisted.

"Fuck off shitty hair!" The teen shouted.

"I was just trying to help." Ibara replied as she tried to pull the teen out only to recieve an explosion to the face. With a scream on pain she fell back as the cement slab fell back onto the teens legs.

"YOU SHITTY ASS BITCH!" The blonde screamed right before a massive explosion burst forth from him collapsing the buildings and sending Ibara flying across the street.

"AND TIME!" Present mic called out as the robot froze, its arm was mere feet away from the blonde teen's location. "EVERYONE LEAVE THE TEST AREAS AND HEAD BACK TO THE BUSSES, ARENA B AND D, RESCUE WILL ARRIVE SHORTLY."

Ibara could only groan as she pulled herself from the rubble. Her dress was shredded and some of her vines were torn. A cut was across her lower lip from which a steady trickle of blood was seen.

[With the local demons]

Izuku frowned as he was rushed down to arena B with Snipe by a intern called Yagi who was driving them by golf cart of all things. Charlie who was still full of energy was rushed to Arena D with Cementos after a building collapsed, trapping the teens inside the arena, Cementos was there to clear the mess while Charlie was carrying a first aid kit given Recovery girl was off to Arena A with hound dog. Only arena C had nothing bad happen but Lunch rush was still headed there to hand out drinks anyway.

When they reached the arena izuku was somewhat impressed and shocked at the amount of destroyed robots. Snipe immediately rushed to the collapsed Cafe where the blonde had been pinned while Izuku brought the first aid kit to the vine haired girl.

"Are you alright miss?" He asked as he stopped next to her.

"...huh?" She asked groggily as she blinked lazily at Izuku. She sniffed the air briefly. "Izu-sama..." she uttered before collapsing into izuku's arms.

"Yagi san! Call ahead, she may be concussed." Izuku called back at the skinny man who nodded seriously and pulled out a flip cellphone to dial a number. Returning his attention to the girl he couldn't help but notice how much blood was on her skin and what was left of her vine like hair. "Better call recover girl too!"



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