Making history part 2

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Darkest Hero

Hello once more to Darkest Hero, so this will not be a Omake to round things off but it is instead cannonising the cute club in this story. I have been working on this series since 2020 when the pandemic first hit Australia and frankly speaking I'm surprised it has lasted this long given my track record.

As such while cliche here is the Q and A segments taken from both comments and PMs about this story.

Q: Will it be ok to use this series and make an AU of it or a side story?

A: if anyone wants to do a "retelling", Recreation, AU or otherwise of this go right ahead, heck even PM me when you do so, I love reading different things so go nuts.

Q: You used to post once a week or fortnight but you've slowed down to a chapter a month, is this going to discontinue?

A: no it's not going to, atleast not anytime soon. I work most of the week and collect Warhammer 40k miniatures which I paint, writing is usually done in the last hour or two before I go to sleep at night so expect that to impact things.

Q: will you be doing a Collab with other writers?

A: honestly the last time I did a Collab, I was still in highschool and it was on Deviant Art working on a cringy transformers fanfic that has long since been abandoned to the sands of time, along with a Deadpool fic that lasted maybe 4 or 5 chapters tops.

Q: will you be adding Harry Potter elements like dementors or DxD elements like Raynare and the other fallen who attacked Kouh?

A: Harry Potter fandom got real toxic real fast when people started arguing over retcons and JK rolling changing her mind every other day, best leave that one alone for now. Also I already stated a few chapters back I won't be including DxD stuff mostly due to how annoying it is to integrate it into a series like Hellraiser and Hazbin Hotel which have very clear cut ways on how hell works which extremely contradict the DxD series.

Q: Why haven't you done anything with Kaminari?

A: honestly he was supposed to turn up a while ago but I ended up only including Kirishima instead of both of them since I for the life of me couldn't figure out how to include him.

Q: is Ochako's parents gonna be jerks like in the Christmas Omake?

A: nope, they'll be stern sure and rather traditional but understanding to their daughter's choices, definitely not homophobes in this.

Q: why did you write cats there? Isn't goose the only one present?

A: I actually wrote Rats and blood going into the sewers, it for some reason auto corrected to cats.

Q: Do you do fanart for your stories?

A: frankly I do not, I am ok at painting models but do not ask me to draw digital art, look at the mess over on my old Deviant Art account, I haven't improved much to be honest, if anything I got worse with lack of practice.

With those out of the way onto the next chapter. Also yes, I went there.

Chapter 64: MakingHistory part 2

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