Chapter 2: Hotel panic attacks

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Off all the things Izuku had expected in life a hotel located in hell was not one of them. Especially the In Hell part, he was pretty sure he would of ended up in heaven or reincarnated or something, he had tried to be good and help others but apparently it wasn't enough for the big guy upstairs.

"Vaggie, I've bought a guest!" Charlie called as she shoved open the doors to the hotel and hurried Izuku inside. The inside was decorated in various shades of red and black in the style of a 1920s to 1960s high end hotel with curtains. Sitting at a desk with boots up and reading a comic was a grey skinned girl about his age with long fanned out grey hair tied with a red bow, a white shirt that hung on only one shoulder, a red X instead of an eye and a small nose.

"Charlie!" The woman smiled as she looked up only to freeze in fear before vaulting over the desk, drawing a spear from somewhere and holding the tip to Izuku's throat, all within a split second. "No funny business." She growled.

"U-uhm p-put the spear down, please?" Izuku gulped nervously as he held his hands in the air, nervous sweat dripped down his face.

"Vaggie, relax he's harmless, just got here too." Charlie smiled charmingly as she lowered Vaggie's spear. " You know we don't attack guests"

"Unless they start it or it's Katie Killjoy. I know, I know mi amor." Vaggie sighed as she slumped slightly before straightening herself up and looking at izuku. "Soy Vaggie. ¿Cuál es tu nombre?"

"Er..." Izuku gulped. "Soy nombro Izuku?" He asked butchering the Spanish language.

"Okay, never, speak Spanish again." Vaggie deadpanned before turning to Vaggie. " So, what's up with the nervous Cenobite?"

"He's a new arrival, he had a small panick attack since someone told him all quirkless end up here." Charlie explained as she put a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "His father is down here as a zombie."

"So, how was your life?" Vaggie asked. "You in a gang? Villain, stole shit?"

"No, nothing like that." Izuku gave a nervous chuckle. "I was actually trying to be a hero and help people."

"Okay, how the hell did a cinnamon roll like him end up down here?" Vaggie asked in complete deadpan and disbelief. A loud explosion sounded from somewhere within the hotel making Izuku squeak in fear and drop to the floor shaking like a leaf. "First of, BAXTER!" Vaggie screamed as her girlfriend began to try and calm Izuku. "Second off, what the actual fuck is wrong with him? Haven't seen someone react like that since Alister and Angel dust got bored."

"Sorry Kaachan, sorry Kaachan, sorry Kaachan." Izuku kept muttering to himself in shock and fear, green whisps of fire flickered about his hair not that he noticed it.

"Get Angel dust, as much as I hate to admit it, he is probably the best at dealing with people in shock." Charlie sighed as she hugged the terrified teen before looking back up at her girlfriend, her eyes now red and her teeth sharp fangs. "Whoever hurt him is gonna pay!"

"Damn that's hot." Vaggie muttered with a smirk as she went off to find the local second worst pain in the ass. Angel dust had been a member of the mob before his death and had easily gained access to hell where he became a spider demon and continued on as normal for the most part. He was simultaneously the hotel's best and worst patient given how while he could get better, he chose to be an utter asshole and sin almost as much as Alister, if such a thing was possible that is.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A voice that sounded like an old radio asked just after Vaggie left the main room. "The Midoriya boy, never expected to see him here."

"Alister, you know him?" Charlie asked in concern, Alister was bad news, period, he was only kept around as a deturant to other trouble makers and to keep the purges from being any worse than they already were.

"Of course I do." Alister huffed sounding offended as he tapped his microphone cane on the ground infront of him. " He was on the fast track list to heaven, why he is here, well, that is a bit of a shocker. Suicide is a sin after all and this kid don goofed." The radio demon gave a large fang filled grin.

"What, why would he kill himself? Life is so precious." Charlie stated as she softly began to run Izuku's back in an attempt to calm him down and to make sure his flames didn't get out of control and destroy the hotel.

"Oh, a little angry Pomeranian gave him some bad advice about swan diving and roofs." Alister waved it off. "Point is expect Baxter times ten in a few decades. Anyway, I'm done being helpful so I'm off to see what Nifty is upto, Ta ta." With a red whisp the main pain in the ass was gone.

"Sorry Kaachan, sorry Kaachan, sorry Kaachan." Izuku kept muttering as Vaggie returned with a white furred, four armed spider demon with a large bust in a pink and white striped suit with black boots, a bowtie, four pink gloves and with one eye normal while the other was black and red. This was Angel Dust.

"Whoa, what happened to him?" Angel dust asked as they eyed Izuku in curiosity.

"Nervous breakdown." Vaggie stated.

"It was triggered by one of Baxter's explosions." Charlie stated from her spot next to the green haired teen.

"Woops, now I feel like I shouldn't of given the runt that gunpowder." Angel dust smirked. "So, who's the hotty?"

"This is Izuku, butcherer of Spanish." Vaggie stated with an eye roll. " Now help him."

"Yikes, you're being more uptight than the pope's asshole." Angel dust snorted as he rolled over izuku using his foot. "Hmm, just mild shock toss him in a room, he'll be fine by dinner for Caine's sake."

"Need we remind you of our deal?" Charlie asked with a raised eyebrow making angel sigh.

"Fine fine, ixnay on the explosives." Angel dust muttered with a roll of his eyes while crossing his arms. " So, if he just arrived in hell, how long ago did he die?"

[On earth.]

Momo Yaoyorozu was many things, rich, smart, flexible and kind, however she wasn't prepared to watch a teen little older than herself jump off of a building and land headfirst on the sidewalk, their head turning into a meaty pulp, for that reason alone she quickly made a large barf bag and quickly found she filled it and two more before she could calm herself enough to think properly again.

"Someone call the doctors!" She called as she rushed over to the green haired boy, hoping in all futility that he had somehow survived. " Oh fuck." She gagged as she saw the brain matter littered amongst the growing pool of red. Little did she know, this one moment would be the tipping point that would lead to the change of her being from heaven to hell bound as she saw a notebook handing off the edge of the railing, it's cover burnt.

[Back in Hell]

Angel dust shrugged uncaringly. "Eh, who cares. Not like it'll have far reaching consequences."

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