Page 9: A Fate Worse than Death:

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Dream headed back home, seeing that all the townspeople were gone. She saw that the front door was still open. She walked in, closing the door behind her. Taking off her shoes, she sat down the book that she carried home before looking around the photo frames. Her mother lied to her for nineteen years, and now, all the pictures that had Daniel in them now had Graham. It was like magic changed them. 

"At least you never lied to me..." Dream sighed, looking at a photo of Graham holding her as a baby. 

She used to stare at the picture constantly, remembering when she would look at it, seeing Daniel, who she thought was her father.

Dream walked around; when she entered the kitchen, she suddenly heard her stomach growl. "It's not like Mom's gonna leave the cell anytime soon..." Dream sighed when she started to make a grilled cheese, but she began to think about what the frog said.

"Believe in me... Yeah, yeah... I believe that I need a grilled cheese sandwich." Dream mumbled to herself, making her a sandwich over the stove.


As Dream left the sheriff's station, the Charmings and Henry followed, heading to Gold's shop. Once she was alone, Regina tried to use her magic to get her out of the cell. But nothing happened.

"Magic is different here, dearie."

Regina looked up, seeing Mr. Gold walk in. "I noticed... I assume this is all your doing." Regina said as Gold kept walking closer. 

"Most things are." He smirked when Regina scoffed at him. 

"Get to it, Rumple. What do you want? You here to finish the job?" Regina asked him, not showing any fear to her old frienemy.

"No, no, no... You're safe from me." Gold said when he reached into his pocket.

"I feel so relieved." Regina scoffed before seeing Gold pull out a note.

"I made a promise to someone that I won't kill you... And then, I was left a sweet, little note, hoping that I could help you from another." Gold said when Regina furrowed her brows. 

"Who could elicit that from you?" Regina asked when Gold handed her the note.

"Belle." He said when Regina pretended to be shocked. 

"She's alive?" Regina asked, pretending to be shocked, as Gold scoffed at her.

"You are a dreadful liar." He spat when he reached her the note. "Guess that's why Dream came to me..." Gold said when Regina's eyes widened.

"My daughter came to you?" Regina asked, disgust and disbelief in her tone.

 "Our daughter..." Gold said when Regina looked up from the note.

"Mr. Gold, I may be new to this whole fairytale situation. But I hope that you can do me a favor. The Charmings and Emma are heading to get your help. But as I know from Henry's book, you are one for deals. I will do anything if you can keep my mother safe from the townspeople. -Dream Mills."

"Guess you forgot to mention to our daughter about making deals?" Gold said when Regina scoffed at him. 

"It wasn't like I had the time." Regina scoffed, looking at him when Gold took the note back. "And as for Belle, I could have killed her. But I didn't." Regina said when Gold looked at her with hatred.

"Yeah, you did much worse than that. You kept her alive so you could kill her when it suited you. A fate worse than death. Which, incidentally, is exactly what I've got in store for you... Thanks to our daughter... I shall keep my end of the deal." Gold said before pulling Regina's arm through the cell bars when he took some medallion and pressed it into the palm of her hand.

"Is that..." Regina went to ask, looking at Gold while wincing at the pain.

"Yes, dearie. The one thing no one can escape. Destiny. And I promise yours is particularly unpleasant." Gold said before letting her hand go, turning to face her. "Oh." He smirked before laughing when Regina looked at her hand. 

Regina looked at her hand, sighing when she looked at the branded mark on the palm of her hand as Gold left. She took out a petal from her blazer's pocket when she pulled out a rose petal. She held it in her hand before it turned into a frog. "Go... Watch my daughter and keep her away from that monster." Regina said when she looked at the frog before it hopped out of her hand, heading out of the sheriff's station.

~season 2, episode 1: "Broken"~

~746 words~

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