Page 45: The Dark One's Weakness:

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*A Couple Days Later*

"Wait, no. Please don't. Wait! Please! Please!" Archie begged when Hook tried to interrogate him.

"Hey, hey, hey. Shh! As your patient, the Dark One must have told you all manner of secrets. Where is his dagger?" Hook asked Archie, who stopped pleading for his life. "I don't know anything about his dagger," Archie said when Hook paused, looking at him. "No, you don't, do you?" Hook asked, moving to kneel in front of Archie. "It's his weakness. Now, tell me, does he have any others?" Hook asked when Archie sighed to himself, unable to hide his guilt.

Hook smirked, seeing the cricket's face, before standing up again. "Very well. I've always wanted to dissect a cricket." Hook said in an almost whisper before raising his hook up. "No! Wait. Wait. Please." Archie begged, making Hook smirk again. "That's more like it. Now, tell me, Cricket, what is his weakness?" Hook repeated when Archie gave in.

"His daughter..." Archie sighed when he remembered having a couple of sessions with Mr. Gold during the curse.

"Dream... She has nothing to do with him..." Hook said, still holding up his hook. "That's why. He always talked about regretting the day he walked away from her life. So, he tried to make up for it with gifts..." Archie explained when Hook sighed to himself.


Hook looked at Archie when he heard Dream's voice coming from the top deck. "Don't you dare make a sound, Cricket..." Hook threatened when he moved the gag cloth back in Archie's mouth.

Hook headed up to the deck, seeing Dream stand around on the dock, looking around. She did not know where his boat was cloaked until he walked off of it onto the deck. "Couldn't stay away, could you, love?" Hook smirked at her when he noticed that she actually laughed at him. "I came to ask if you knew that my grandmother killed Arch-- I mean, Jiminy Cricket." Dream said in a soft tone, which shocked the pirate.

"Like I said... Our agendas are different in Storybrooke." He said when she scoffed, looking to where he came from.

"So, your ship is cloaked?" Dream asked when Hook followed her gaze. "For now." He said, walking closer to her. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, making her look back at him, noticing that he was closer to her.

"Depends..." She smirked at him.

"How well do you know your father? The crocodile?" He asked when she crossed her arms over her chest, raising a brow at him. "Not much... Just what his cursed self was..." Dream sighed when Hook furrowed his brows at her. "And do you think I would tell you anything you could use against him?" Dream asked when he smirked again at her.

"Well, I can't use your heart to make you anymore... I figured, since you keep coming back to me, I would only have to use a little bit of persuading." He smirked, moving his hook to her chin.

"In your dreams, Hook." She said, smirking at him.

"Oh, but you already are." He smirked, watching the blush on her cheeks go red. "But back to the Dark One... He must have a weakness." Hook said, returning to the topic when Dream kept looking at him while her heart sank to her stomach.

"I wouldn't know." Dream said, clearing her throat, pretending that this was not hot.

"What about that book you were searching for answers in?" He asked when Dream moved back, moving her chin from his hook. "What makes you think I would tell you?" Dream asked when he pulled out the book from Dream's bag with his hand. "Hey!" Dream scoffed at him.

"Starting singing like a canary, love... Or I'll find out myself." He smirked when she sighed, looking at him. "Apparently, it's some girl named Belle. I have never met her in Storybrooke, but that's what the book says." Dream explained when Hook handed her the book back. "But promise me... No more killing." Dream said as Hook smirked at her when he moved his hook back to her chin, stepping closer to her.

"I shall make no promises, love." Hook smirked at her, when Dream scoffed at him.

"No. You will promise me." Dream said, making Hook chuckle at her. "And why would I do that?" Hook asked her. "Because like my mother and my real dad... I have magic. I can make it a whole lot worse if you break my trust." Dream threatened, making Hook look taken aback, but he kept smirking. "Oh, I love when you take charge, love..." He smirked when she rolled her eyes at him.

"Promise me..." Dream demanded when Hook moved back, looking at her with a smirk. 

"I promise not to kill anyone but the crocodile." He said when Dream sighed, knowing that would be the closest she could get with him. "And just a little advice, darling... One saying that I learned from years of seeking revenge... Magic always comes with a price, dearie. And I'm not sure you're prepared to pay anything for a small threat." He smirked, mimicking Rumpelstiltskin.

"To save the rest of the people in this town... I will pay any price." Dream said before turning to walk away while Hook smirked to himself, watching her head to her car. She really had an effect on him, but he could not let her mess up why he was here. To get his revenge on Rumpelstiltskin.

~season 2, episode 11: "The Outsider"~

~903 words~

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