Page 34: Betrayed by the Heart:

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"Helping me..."

The five girls looked up to see Cora appearing from the shadows, just like how she met Emma and Dream. Cora walked closer, waving her hand to make the compass appear from Emma's hand to hers, while Dream appeared by her side.

"No... No." Dream sighed, looking at Cora as she seemed frozen, unable to move anywhere but where she appeared outside of the cell.

"Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell." Cora said to Emma, who tried to pull up on the bars or anything she could to get out. "Thank you, my darling girl. We couldn't have done it without you." Cora smiled, turning to Dream, moving a hand to her cheek.

"Why would you do this?" Emma asked, scoffing at Dream, who was paralyzed, unable to move. "How could you?" Mary Margaret scoffed at the girl.

"Don't blame her. She was only doing what she was told." Cora corrected the mother-daughter duo, turning her attention back to them before Dream could even mutter a response. Cora reached up, showing a glowing heart as they all looked shocked. 

"You took her heart," Emma said, looking shocked when Dream looked scared.

"Actually, I did. It was a gift." Hook spoke up, making them look at her while he leaned against the cave wall.

Cora started to crush the heart a little, making Dream wince from the pain. "That's for your disobedience..." Cora warned, making Dream look up as she finally moved, leaning over as she held her chest. "Forgive us. We'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits." Cora said, walking away when she turned to Dream, who was not moving. "Come, now, child," Cora said to Dream's heart, making her reluctantly follow them. 

Hook kicked himself off the wall, heading to follow them. "Hook, wait," Emma said, making them stop as Hook turned to look at her. "Please, don't do this. My son is in Storybrooke. He needs me." Emma said when Hook started to walk closer to the cell. "Perhaps you should have considered that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk. And as far as I have been informed... He will be united with his family once we return to Storybrooke." Hook said, looking over to Dream, who stared at him in disbelief.

"You would have done the same." Emma scoffed at Hook, making him look back at her when he moved closer to the cell.

"Actually, no." Hook said before holding up the dried bean on the chain that the giant wore. Dream and Emma's eyes went big when Dream realized that he did not go back for his satchel but the bean. "Do you know what this is, Emma?" He asked, holding it up but moving it before she could reach for it.

"The bean that the giant kept." Dream spoke up, making Hook look at her.

"Uh-uh-uh." Hook said, pulling the bean away from Emma's reach. "Yes, indeed, love." Hook said, turning to look at Dream. "A pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquests. But this, well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol, something that was once magical, full of hope and possibility... Now, look at it. Dried up, dead, useless. Much like you. The time for making deals is done. Just as I'm done with you." Hook said, backing up to walk out when Dream looked at the others before being forced to follow the two.

~season 2, episode 9: "Queen of Hearts"~

~573 words~

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