Page 56: Mother and Daughter... Reunited:

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Cora gave Gold a gift of a white globe that could show him where his son was. She did it in exchange for knowing where Regina lives. Cora looked through all the pictures, clothes, and items around Regina's house. 

She headed to Henry's room, picking up a photo frame of Regina, Dream, and Henry. She smiled, seeing the small family, before setting it back down. She looked around Henry's desk, picking up a red painted stone with a handprint. "For Mommy." 

Henry walked through the graveyard, heading to Regina's vault. He moved the coffin of his grandfather before looking around the halls. "Mom?" He called when Regina could hear him from the room she was hiding in. "Hello? Hello? Mom?" Henry continued to call when Regina moved over to the wall, using her magic to see Henry in front of the hidden door, looking for her. "You in there? Can I come in?" He continued to ask, making Regina smile to herself.

"Mom?" He called again before turning to walk around the halls. 

Regina moved to open the hidden door, making Henry turn around to look at her. "Mom? Mom?" He asked, moving to see her. The two of them hugged as Regina let out a breath of relief. "Henry, I'm so glad you're here..." She smiled before pulling away to look at him. "I missed you so much when... I have to let you know I had nothing to do with Archie." Regina said, looking at her son.

"I know. I always knew." He smiled at her.

"I was framed. I don't know how. It just seems like everything... You knew? How did you know?" Regina asked when she realized halfway what he said. "Simple," Henry said before blue smoke surrounded him, turning him back to Cora. "Because I did it," Cora said as Regina looked astonished and hurt.

"Mother?" Regina asked as if saying it aloud made it seem more real. "You... I thought we stopped you. How did you get through?" Regina asked, backing up as Cora walked forward.

"Determination. I had to see you. I needed to tell you that I know why you sent me through the Looking Glass. And I know why you tried to have me killed. And it's... It's all right." Cora said, tearing up a bit, looking at her daughter.

"I think it's not all right... Not to mention that you almost killed my daughter." Regina sighed, her voice cracking from the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I love you. I just... I've always shown it in all the wrong ways, unlike you have done... Raising a beautiful and smart little girl." Cora said, showing her daughter emotion, for what seemed like the first time. "And I never should have made you marry the King. I'm so sorry. When you cried over my coffin and then seeing that little girl who reminded me so much of you, it all changed." Cora gave Regina a small smile.

"You framed me. For the cricket." Regina sighed when she looked at her mother, who had caused her so much pain.

"Temporarily, so you could see what these people really think of you." Cora tried to justify herself. "You made an airtight case. Anyone would believe it." Regina spat, scoffing at her mother's comment. "I didn't want you to reject me. Not again." Cora tried to say, seeing her daughter tear up.

"You wanted me broken."

"Receptive." Cora corrected, making Regina scoff out a sarcastic laugh. "You are the most manipulative..." Regina paused, looking at her mother. "No. I won't even argue. Come with me. We're going to town." Regina said, moving around her mother, wiping her cheeks.

"It's the middle of the night," Cora said, making Regina turn to look at her.

"I don't care. We'll wake them up. Emma and Henry and the two idiots, and you can tell them how you lied. Then Dream, you will apologize for what you made my daughter go through. You owe me that." Regina said, trying not to tear up again. "And then you'll let us start over?" Cora asked her when Regina scoffed to herself. "I don't see that happening, Mother. But I am... I was trying so hard to be worthy of Dream and Henry. And I deserve the same thing from you." Regina said as Cora nodded.

"You're right. For you, sweetheart, anything."

~season 2, episode 12: "In the Name of the Brother"~

~727 words~

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