Page 16: Ogres! Run!

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Emma and Dream sat down in the clearing grass while watching it get dark. They sat in silence, not sure how to talk to each other. They were only civil to each other because of Henry. 

Emma watched as Dream retied her bandage that was loosening as she walked. "Henry says that you were gonna go to college... Where to?" Emma spoke up, making Dream look at her. "Princeton..." Dream said, looking back to her bandage.

"Why? Because that's where the princes go?" Emma asked sarcastically, making Dream look up at her. "Funny." Dream sighed when Emma sighed, seeing the girl wince as she put her pants leg back down. 

"Dream, I--" Emma went to say when Dream looked up at her.

"I wanted to go there because my mother told me that's where I thought my father went. I stayed home for Henry. And now I learned that my dad wasn't even my dad... You caused my mother to kill Graham, the only father figure in my life... I've been sucked through a portal after a dementor creature tried to kill my mom... I'm starving, and that man... That man wants me to eat a lion... serpent... goat meat." Dream ranted when she looked up at Emma. "But go on... make all the jokes you want." Dream sighed when Emma sighed, seeing Dream stand up.


"There's a stream over there... I'm just gonna wash the blood and dirt off of my hands." Dream sighed when she walked over to the small stream as Emma scoffed to herself. 

Meanwhile, Mary Margaret was picking up a pile of sticks that would be enough for a fire to make camp. She bent down, making sure all the leaves were dry. Suddenly, she was pulled back with a dagger at her throat.

"Don't move." 

Mary Margaret didn't have to look to remember the voice. It was Aurora. "Phillip's gone because of you," Aurora said, but Mary Margaret flipped onto her back. Mary Margaret moved to pin Aurora's hands down when she dropped the dagger.

"You listen to me, Princess. You think I don't know what it's like to be separated from the people that I love?" Mary Margaret asked, sounding frustrated, while Aurora continued to fight to get back up. "What happened to Phillip was not our fault. So, I suggest you find another way to channel your anger." Mary Margaret scoffed when Aurora stopped.

Mary Margaret was pulled off of Aurora before turning to see Mulan. "Don't talk to her like that," Mulan warned when backed away from her. "She tried to kill me." Mary Margaret scoffed, looking at Mulan. "I will deal with her," Mulan said, bending down to pick up Aurora's danger.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot. Mary Margaret sighed, seeing her daughter, while Mulan and Aurora covered their ears. Dream came up, running when she heard the gunshot. Emma had shot the gun in the air before moving it to aim at Mulan. "Emma! What are you doing?" Mary Margaret asked when they all looked nervous but Emma. "Protecting you. Drop the weapon." Emma said, looking at Mulan.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?" Mary Margaret asked, looking worried and scared.

The girls looked around when they heard trees rustling and a loud growling. "I'm guessing that the ogres heard the loud gunshot." Dream said when they all shared her frightened expression. "Ogres?" Emma asked, looking behind her where the sound was coming from.

Run!" Mary Margaret yelled when the girls took off running away.

Aurora and Dream had difficulty keeping up with the others as they ran. "Spilt up!" Mary Margaret yelled when Aurora and Mulan went one way while Mary Margaret, Emma, and Dream went another way. After they split up, Dream tripped on a log, knocking her to the ground. She looked up, worried when Emma and Mary Margaret kept running. Again. It looked like they were leaving her.

Dream slowly turned when she heard giant footsteps coming closer. She looked around to see what looked like a giant, ugly baby. Dream closed her eyes, trying to crawl away as the ogre kept getting closer.

Emma came back, ready to shout at the creature, but before she could shoot, it grabbed her gun, crushing it in its hand. "Seriously?" Emma scoffed when the ogre growled. The impact of the growl knocked Emma to the ground while Dream moved her face as spit and the bad breath came her way.

Dream turned to look away as she was ready for the ogre to kill her and get it over with, but she looked up with Emma as Mary Margaret whistled, making the ogre turn to the noise source. "Back away from the girls!" Mary Margaret yelled, making the ogre look her way. She took an arrow out of the quiver before shooting the ogre in the eye, knocking him to the ground.

Once he was down, she pulled out the arrow as Emma helped Dream stand up. "Gross." Dream scoffed, trying to wipe off the ogre's spit on her. "Obviously, someone needs to eat less fish. Yuck!" Dream scoffed, looking at the ogre.

Emma turned to look at her mom while Dream crept away from the ogre. "You have to shoot them in the eye." Mary Margaret said to her daughter while Dream looked at the two of them. "When was the last time you shot an arrow?" Emma asked her mother, looking at the ogre.

"Twenty-eight years ago. Guess it's like riding a bike." She shrugged off like it was no big deal.

"Yeah, but how did you know you could hit that?" Dream asked, making Mary Margaret look at her. "I didn't..." Mary Margaret said before turning to her daughter. "Next time, listen to me. That kind of thing isn't gonna work here." Mary Margaret sighed, looking at Emma, who held her crushed pistol.

"Yeah..." Emma sighed when Dream heard a frog nearby. "We should get going." Mary Margaret said when Dream moved to try and see where the frog was.

"Hi, there." Dream smiled when she found the little frog before picking it up.

"Dream?" Emma asked when she and Mary Margaret stopped, seeing Dream stop to pick up a frog. "Do you know where our friends went?" Dream asked, hoping that the frog could understand her like the one by the docks. The frog nodded when Emma turned to look at her mother, who was just as shocked. The frog jumped out of Dream's hand before hopping in the direction in which Mulan and Aurora ran off.

"Since when can you talk to frogs?" Emma asked when Dream looked back at them.

"Since your broke the curse. Must be a cool, magical power since my mom had me in a rose." Dream said as she went to follow the frog. "Regina, what?" Emma asked, beginning a series of questions as they followed the small frog.

~season 2, episode 3: "Lady of the Lake"~

~1140 words~

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