Page 84: Regina Will Have Everything:

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*A Few Days Later*

Regina cried, placing a rose on her mother's casket in the vault, when Dream placed another red rose next. Dream hugged her mother while Regina cried, missing her mother.

"Black always was your color." 

Regina moved from Dream when they turned to see Gold. "I'm here to bury my mother. So, if you've come to gloat--" Regina said, looking at Gold, who raised a red rose. "I came to pay my respects... And make sure my daughter was okay." Gold said, sitting the rose on top of the others. "We had our differences, but Cora will always have a place in my heart." Gold said, moving to place a hand on Dream's back.

"You killed her to save your own life." Regina said, grabbing Dream's arm to move her away from Gold.

"Sadly, desperate times call for desperate measures." Gold said, making Regina scoff at him. "Like getting Mary Margaret to trick me into killing my own mother? You may be able to hide behind your dagger, but she can't. She's going to die for what she did." Regina threatened when Dream sighed to herself.

"Oh, come on... We both know killing her will cost you the thing you want most. Your children. Why don't you just give up this obsession with vengeance? You know it can never make you happy." Gold said when Regina looked forward.

"Yes, it will," Regina said when Dream sighed, looking between her parents.

"You had a whole curse worth of vengeance, and what did it get you? A gaping hole in your heart." Gold said, making Regina turn to look at him. "That was your curse." Regina corrected him when Dream sighed. She always wanted both of her parents together to create a big family for her and Henry, but this was far from what she meant. "Which you cast. Still haven't learned your lesson, have you?" Gold asked her, scoffing a bit.

"What lesson?" Regina asked him.

"The same one your mother learned a long time ago. You can't have everything. She wanted power, ripped out her own heart to get it. You want vengeance? Dream and Henry's the price you'll pay. Time to cut your losses." Gold tried to tell Regina, causing Regina to shake her head. "Never. I will have my son. I will have my daughter. My children... And I will have my vengeance. I will find a way to have everything." Regina said before turning to face Dream while Gold walked out.

"Mom?" Dream asked when Regina wiped her tears before placing a kiss on Dream's forehead, holding her. "I'm okay, sweetie... We're going to be okay." Regina smiled when she hugged her daughter, who was really worried for her.

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~452 words~

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