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After leaving the hospital, when it was morning, David dropped off Dream at her house before they headed back to the apartment. "You were out all night! Where were you? Granny wouldn't tell me anything. Did I miss it all?" Henry asked, coming down the steps, while Mary Margaret and David moved to make some breakfast.

"Cereal okay?" David asked, not acknowledging Henry's questions. "Yeah." Emma nodded at her dad.

"Rumpelstiltskin and Captain Hook had a fight, and someone got hurt." Mary Margaret explained quickly while pouring a couple of cups of coffee. "We weren't sure if Dr. Frankenstein could fix him, but he did," Emma said, looking at Henry, who sat on the barstool.

"Doctor... Oh, that's who Whale is!" Henry smiled when he had been trying to figure out who Whale was, seeing as he was not in his fairytale book. 

"Yeah, but without the neck bolts," Emma said, moving to lean on the counter. "The monster had the bolts, not the doctor." Henry corrected his mother, smirking a bit. "Right. But either way... some of us having known him, it's weird." Emma said, eyeing Mary Margaret.

"It's not weird. We're past it. We were cursed." Mary Margaret corrected, being vague due to Henry being around. "What are you talking about?" Henry asked her when Mary Margaret sighed to herself. "Nothing," David said, hoping the topic could be dropped.


"Really, it's nothing." Mary Margaret said when they watched Henry get up. "Ah-ah." David tried to stop him, but they watched Henry walk over to his book that Dream dropped off before the big fight. 

"Frankenstein isn't in here. It's not even a fairy tale. That means he comes from another land with different stories." Henry said to them when Emma sighed, picking up a bowl of cereal to put in front of him. "Eat. I really want to go to bed." Emma said, sitting Henry's bowl on top of his book. "If the curse went to places with other stories, then who knows who else in this town," Henry said as his mother and grandparents sighed, tired from being at the hospital all night.

The four of them perked up when they heard a knock on the door. Emma got up to answer the door, but it flew open as Gold walked into the apartment. "Gold... We've all had a long night--" Emma tried to say, hoping he would leave. "You remember that favor you owe me, Miss Swan?" Gold asked her, ignoring her comment.

"Yeah..." Emma nodded, scoffing to herself.

"I'm cashing it in." Gold said, making David, the overprotective dad, walk over to his daughter's side. "It's not a good--" Emma went to say, but Gold stopped her. "You do honor your agreements, don't you?" Gold asked, only focusing on Emma.

Gold paused when Henry got off of the barstool, standing in between his grandfather and mom. "I need to find someone, so we're leaving today. Pack a bag." Gold said, confusing the family. "Leaving?" Mary Margaret asked, still standing behind the kitchen aisle. "Where?" He asked, looking worried at Gold and Emma.

"Wait, find someone... Who?" Emma asked him, furrowing his brows.

"My son... And it has to be today because every minute I'm here is a minute closer to me killing Hook and my daughter hating me even more. So, it's really best for all concerned if I leave. And you're going to come with me. Oh, and we have a long history... so know this, and know it to be true. If any harm comes to Belle or Dream while I'm gone, I'm killing all of you. I'll see you at noon." Gold threatened, causing Emma to hold onto Henry, who was worried about Gold's threat.

"His daughter... Dream..." Henry paused when he looked up at his mother. "Mr. Gold is Dream's father?" Henry asked, looking at Emma, who nodded slowly.

"I'm afraid so, kiddo..." Emma sighed, looking at her parents.

~season 2, episode 12: "In the Name of the Brother"~

~655 words~

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