Page 68: The Unknown:

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Henry and Gold returned to the apartment building, waiting for Emma to return with Gold's son. Henry kept watching Gold look down at the piece of ribbon while they sat on a bench. "Why are you so nervous?" Henry asked him, making Gold look up from the small ribbon. "When I found my mom, I was excited."

"Because I have the benefit of a little more life experience... I know that things don't always happen the way we want them to." Gold sighed, looking at Henry, before looking down at the ground.

"Sure, but in my book, it says that you could see the future... Why can't you just look and see what's gonna happen? Dream can do it, kind of... She sees visions, not all the time, though." Henry said, making Gold look shocked when he looked at him. "Dream can see visions of the future?" Gold asked when he smiled a bit to himself. "Kind of... They're like dreams, and she doesn't know how she sees them." Henry shrugged when Gold looked at the little ribbon.

"Well, that ability is complicated. I didn't always have it, like Dream. And then, when I did, well... it's maybe not the gift one would expect. Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price." Gold sighed, trying to explain it to Henry while he looked at the ribbon.

"But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff. You'd just know..." Henry said, making Gold chuckle at him. "But that's the great trap. The future is like a puzzle. With missing pieces. Difficult to read. And never, never what you think." Gold explained as Henry nodded before the two of them looked up to see Emma walk in.

"Hey..." Emma said, making the two of them stand up.

"Did you find him?" Gold asked Emma, who sighed. "I'm sorry. Your son got away." Emma lied, giving him an apologetic look.

*Storybrooke, Maine*

"Dream? Honey?"

Regina walked down when she saw Hook standing with Dream while they ate grilled cheeses. Dream turned when she looked over at her mom. "Yeah?" Dream asked when she took a sip from her water.

"Come on... We have somewhere to go." Regina said when Dream nodded, moving to put her plate in the sink.

"All right... Let me get my bag." Dream said, moving to the living room to get her bag. 

Regina turned to look at Hook, who was eating another half of grilled cheese. "What's your game?" Regina asked, looking at the pirate. "Game? I'm pretty sure she called it a grilled cheese...." Hook smirked when Regina scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "I meant with my daughter... She has a bright future ahead of her, and she doesn't need a one-handed pirate distracting her." Regina scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Distracting her? Why would you assume that?" Hook asked, raising his brow at her.

"Because I know about the potion... And the kiss. So, whatever you think you can get away with, you can't." Regina said when Hook nodded, looking at her. "Well, I hope she told you it was more than a simple kiss. And obedience spell or not; she was not opposed to it." Hook smirked, making Regina scoff at him.

"Stay away from my daughter... Or I will do everything in my power to ensure your vengeance... your revenge will never happen." Regina threatened before turning to walk towards the living room, where Dream was waiting.

Hook scoffed to himself when he heard the door close when he walked upstairs, seeing that Cora was looking out the window in Regina's room. He headed to Dream's room when he looked around. He stopped, seeing a box with a heart lock on it. He opened it up, seeing a pure glowing heart. He smirked to himself before closing the box and sticking it in his satchel. He would do everything in his power to ensure his revenge.

Regina and Dream headed to Belle's room, who still could not remember who she was. "Who are you?" Belle asked when she looked over to the door. "So, it is true. You really don't remember anything." Regina smirked when she saw the number that crossing the town line did to Belle.

"Were we friends?" Belle asked, furrowing her brows.

"We spent some time together... But we're here because I believe you can help us find something that belongs to Rumpelstiltskin." Regina explained, making Belle look even more confused. "Who?" Belle asked, looking between Regina and Dream. "Mr. Gold." Dream spoke up when Belle continued to be puzzled.

"I don't know him..." Belle sighed when Regina raised her hand, using magic to make Belle fall asleep.

"Not anymore... But you did." Regina smirked, talking to the sleeping woman. "Dream, honey... You ready for a magic lesson?" Regina asked, making Dream raise her brow. "Feel the magic inside, lift your hand and think about lifting the objects," Regina said as Dream followed the instructions when Belle's purse opened, and all of her items flew up into the air. Makeup, hairbrush, pens, and then a piece of paper. "Good job, sweetheart." Regina smiled, watching her daughter using magic before Regina moved to grab the yellow paper.

"915.63," Regina said, looking at the number written on it. "What could that be?" Regina asked, looking at Dream, who used magic to put Belle's things back in her purse.

"Maybe it's something at the library?" Dream suggested, making Regina smile.

"I think you might be right." Regina smiled.

~season 2, episode 14: "Manhattan"~

~898 words~

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