Page 72: Unexpected "Evil" Forces:

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*Storybrooke, Maine*

Dream was eating breakfast the next day when she heard a knock at the door. She sat her bowl on the counter before going to answer the door. "Hook?" Dream raised her brow at him when she saw him standing on her porch. Hook caught himself smirking at her, seeing as she only had an oversized t-shirt. Dream noticed, causing herself to roll her eyes.

"Sorry, love... Bit distracted." Hook smirked, making Dream scoff as she started to walk back to the kitchen.

Hook noticed, then closed the front door behind him when he followed her. "Where's Cora and Regina?" Hook asked, following when Dream moved to pour herself a glass of milk. "No idea..." Dream sighed when she put the milk back into the fridge. "So, you're here alone?" Hook asked, furrowing his brows.

"Yep." Dream said, popping the "p" at the end when she took a sip of her milk.

Hook nodded when he walked over to the dining room table, seeing the box with Dream's heart in it. He looked over, seeing that she was not paying attention. He grabbed the box, putting it into his satchel carefully. 

"Do you know where I could get my hook back?" Hook asked when he walked back into the kitchen, when Dream put her dishes in the sink, washing them off. "Probably at the sheriff's station... That would be where Emma would keep it, I guess." Dream said when she put the bowl and glass on the dryer rack. "Care to show me?" Hook asked when Dream looked over, then down at her outfit.

"Let me change..." Dream said when she grabbed her phone before going to head upstairs.

"Why? I think you look--" Hook went to say when Dream turned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Don't finish that..." She scoffed out a chuckle. "Stay here. I'll be down in a few minutes. And don't touch anything, or my mom will kill me." Dream said before heading upstairs to change.

David walked into the sheriff's station when he turned on the lights and took off his jacket. He put it on the coat rack when Dream rushed in. "David!" She panicked, making David turn to her. "Dream? What's wrong?" David asked when he looked at her in concern.

"I-I can't find my mom... I don't know where she is. But she was gone when I woke up." Dream panicked when she looked worried.

"Hey, okay... Just sit down, and let me see if I can call anyone to see if they have seen her." David said, motioning for Dream to sit down when he went to get the phone at the desk. He turned to when he heard something behind him, only to see Hook, who knocked him out with a crowbar.

"A crowbar! Are you serious?" Dream asked, looking at Hook, then at David's bleeding head. Dream bent down when she took her scarf to place on his head. 

"While you're down there, care to hand me his keys, love?" Hook asked when Dream looked up at him, scoffing. "I don't know how you got me to even do this... But you can't just knock people out with crowbars!" Dream yelled at him when he scoffed, grabbing David's keys, making Dream roll her eyes.

"Apologies, mate..." Hook said when Dream moved to sit up. "But I think you have something of mine." Hook continued when Dream rolled her eyes, holding her hand out. 

Hook handed her the keys when she unlocked the drawer, opening it up to find his hook. He took off his faked, gloved hand when he took the hook, putting it in his place. "Scary." Dream teased when Hook smirked at her, making her roll her eyes.

Meanwhile, Mary Margaret visited an old friend, the woman who was practically a mother to her, after she lost her mother. She heard a noise in the woods when she found Regina and Cora digging up something. "And you're sure this is where we're supposed to dig?" Cora asked as Regina looked at the map. "Yes..." Regina sighed, looking at her mother. "Hook marked it clearly. Rumpelstiltskin's dagger is here." Regina sighed when she started to dig again while Cora stayed off to the side.

"Unless Hook lied to us," Cora suggested, making Regina stop to look at her mother.

"Well, then, this map is useless. Gold is the only one who can translate it." Regina scoffed when she looked at the map. "Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. Hook could have saved us a lot of effort with honesty, but the truth is, we don't need anyone. I can reconstruct the map. It'll just take a bit more time. And when we find it, I promise you; I'll use that dagger to force the Dark One to kill anyone you like." Cora smiled at Regina when Mary Margaret sighed to herself, fearing the worse.

~season 2, episode 15: "The Queen is Dead"~

~809 words~

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