Page 47: Homesick:

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Henry sat, in silence, on Mary Margaret's bed, looking out the window. "Hey, kid, you hungry?" Emma asked, making him turn to face her. "I managed to wrangle up a Pop-Tart." Emma continued to say, holding out a plate with a frosted Pop-Tart on it.

"No, thanks." He said softly. 

Emma could hear the sadness in his voice. He lost Archie. He thinks that his mother killed him, and his sister is missing. The poor kid was going through the wringer.

Emma looked over to Mary Margaret, who sighed to herself, watching the interaction. Emma sat the paper plate next to Henry before walking to her mother. "Well, that went well." Emma sighed, looking at her mother. "Emma, you're doing all you can do." Mary Margaret sighed, rubbing Emma's arm in comfort. "That's what makes me feel awful." Emma sighed when Mary Margaret went to say something else.


The two of them turned to Leroy and the other dwarves. "The dwarves have been thinking. We have to ask. When do we go back?" Leroy asked, making both of them look confused. You could tell that they were mother and daughter because they were standing in the same stance. Arms crossed over their chest with furrowed brows. "Back? Where?" Emma asked him, raising her brow. "The enchanted forest. Our home." Leroy said as everyone looked at them.

"You want to go back?" Mary Margaret asked him when Emma dropped her hands. 

"We fought really hard to get here," Emma said, causing Leroy to chuckle out a scoff. "Yeah, but with what Regina did to Archie, Storybrooke ain't as safe as we thought." Leroy sighed when Mary Margaret looked at Emma. "We're going to find her and Dream. There's only so many places they can hide." Emma tried to explain to him.

"We've dealt with her before. We'll do it again." Mary Margaret tried to reassure him.

"Yeah, but it's not just her. The curse is broken. There's a whole world full of people beyond the town line that don't know who or what we are..." Leroy started to say as everyone listened in. David, Ruby, Granny, Mother Superior, Marco, and the rest of the seven dwarves. "Ever think of what might happen if one of them were to come pay us a visit?" Leroy asked when everyone sighed, fearing the worse from Leroy's question.

"He's right... What if they see, you know, magic? Like a girl turning into a wolf, for example? Folks weren't exactly understanding back in our world." Ruby spoke up, looking at the group.

"Okay, let's not worry about what-ifs. No one is here--" Emma said, looking at the group. "Yet..." Leroy corrected her. "Maybe they come, maybe they don't. But that doesn't change the fact that while we might enjoy things like penicillin, we're a bit homesick." Leroy said, causing the room to look around at each other.

Gold was walking with his cane down the street as Belle followed him. "Where are you going?" Belle asked him, moving his coat over her because she was freezing. "The shop." Gold said, making Belle look at him. "Why?" She asked him when he moved a hand to her back.

"Well, let's just say there are many wonderful things in there that I could use to make sure that pirate never comes near you ever again." Gold said when they turned to walk down the sidewalk, just a few shops from his shop. "Rumple, no. We need to report this to the sheriff and find Dream to ensure she's okay. They'll take care of him..." Belle said when Gold sighed, not saying anything in response. "You're so close to finding your son... And possibly coming up with a deal to get back in your daughter's life. Please, please don't let your hatred for this man get in the way of that." Belle continued when Gold scoffed, turning to look at her.

"But he tried to harm you... And if you heard him correctly, then he's going after my daughter next." Gold said when Belle sighed to herself, not knowing why this one-handed pirate wanted to kill Gold so bad.

"But why? I mean, what happened between you two?" Belle asked him.

"Belle... This is really not your concern." 

Belle scoffed at his response, looking at the man she loves. "He attacked me. It most definitely is my concern." Belle said, moving to stand in front of him. Gold did not say anything, sighing as he looked around. "Many years ago, I was married to a woman named Milah. Until Hook crossed our paths." Gold explained vaguely, leaving Belle with more questions. She only knew him now or in his beast, crocodile, form.

"She was Baelfire's mother?" Belle asked, only knowing his son's name.

"Yeah. And because of that marauding cur, he grew up without her. He took my wife... he took Bae's mother, so I took his hand." Gold continued to explain, not getting into all the minor details, when he started to walk towards his shop again, while Belle followed. "That's why he came after me... And might go after your daughter if he knows that she is yours. But what about her? I mean, what did he do?" Belle asked, stopping at the door to the shop while Gold unlocked the door.

He scoffed to himself, not really in the mood to tell an old story to Belle, who just kept asking more questions. She moved to hold his hand in hers, looking at him with a soft smile. "Rumple, you can tell me anything." She reassured him, making him smile at her. "She died. That's all that matters." He sighed when she backed up as he opened the store.

He paused, seeing the place was a wreck. Items were thrown everywhere. Broken glass and vases. "What happened here?" Belle asked when Gold moved to look at the floor, seeing something that made him fear the worse. "Hook. This is why he attacked you." Gold said, picking up Dream's doll since she was a little girl. The doll had brown hair like her with a small pink dress with apples on the hem of the dress. Gold used his old spinster tricks from when he was forced to live with spinsters after his father abandoned him. He made the doll from some blankets he had around. Dream was sentimental when it came to even the little things. 

"To get you out of the store..." Belle sighed, seeing Gold walking into the shop, setting the doll on the counter that was broken. "What did he want?" Belle asked, looking around when Gold moved to check behind a photo frame. 

Meanwhile, Hook was on the roof of the building across the street, looking through his telescope. Mr. Smee came up behind him, holding a brownish-cream shawl and still wearing his bright red beanie.

"You have it, Mr. Smee?" Hook asked, putting his telescope up. "What is it, Captain?" Smee asked, holding it up when Hook placed his telescope on the stone part of the chimney. "It's the end of the crocodile's hope. Now he's trapped here." Hook said, taking the shawl from Smee.

"And what about the girl?" Smee asked, looking at Dream, who stood behind them. 

Hook pulled out a vile from his pocket containing a blue liquid that filled the glass halfway. "Nothing that magic can't fix... An obedient potion, courtesy of Cora herself." Hook smirked before putting the vile back into his satchel.

~season 2, episode 11: "The Outsider"~

~1235 words~

Dreams Come True:Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz