Page 41: An Understanding:

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*A Couple Hundred Years Ago*

A young Killian Jones laid in the bed, in the lower chamber, while there was a storm on the ocean. The boy was frightened. "Father! Father!" He called out, wanting his dad, since he was so scared.

Brenan Jones, Killian's father, walked in, very calm, looking at his son. "It's all right, son. I'm here." Brenan smiled, lighting a torch to light the lantern hanging on the ceiling of the room. "See? There's nothing to be afraid of. Now, remember, whenever you feel scared, all you have to do is look inside. We're all braver than we think if we just look deep enough. Before you know it, you're going to be a man, so I'm just trying to prepare you. Because then you're going to have to answer life's big question. What kind of man are you going to be?" Brenan asked his son, who looked a little nervous, before smiling at his dad.

"I want to be just like you." He smiled at his father.

"Well, that's a nice answer, son." Brenan smiled, chuckling a bit at his son's answer. "Now, close your eyes and find that brave part... deep inside yourself, hmm? And you don't have to worry about a thing. Your father will watch the light for you. Just go to sleep, Killian. Go to sleep." Brenan smiled as he watched his son start to fall asleep.

A little while later, Killian started to stir awake again. He rubbed his eyes, sitting up, when he realized that the light was out again. He went to get up to wake his older brother. 

"Liam! Liam, wake up! Father's gone!" Killian tried to wake him, but Liam was still deep in his sleep.

Killian rushed to open the door to the room, when he opened it, a man was already there. "You looking for your father?" The man asked, causing the scared boy to back up. "Look out there. He rowed away an hour ago." The man said, when Killian furrowed his brows, in confusion.

"Rowed away? Why?" Killian asked, cowering towards the bed scared.

"Your father ain't what you think. He's a thief." The man said, sitting on the bed with Killian, who didn't want to believe him. "A fugitive from the law. He heard there were soldiers waiting at the next port, so he bought my old rowboat and left." The man continued to explain.

"Why would he leave us?" Killian asked, referring to him and his brother. 

"How do you think he paid for the boat? He traded you and your brother into my service." The man said, standing up, when Killian did the same, not believing the man. "No. No, he wouldn't do that." Killian denied, shaking his head at the thought of his dad leaving him. "Now, you know what kind of man your father really is." The man said, walking out of the room, leaving Killian to look over at his brother.

*Present Day*

*Storybrooke, Maine*

Hook sighed, when he let go of Dream's hand, making her look at him. "He sold you and your brother?" Dream asked, watching Hook stand up, looking out to the water. "Indeed..." Hook sighed, not looking at Dream.

"That's awful... I couldn't imagine doing that to a child." Dream sighed, when Hook turned to look at her. "Or my mother selling me and Henry... And your brother? Where is he?" Dream asked, when Hook sighed, giving her the answer she needed. "Did Rumpelstiltskin take him to?" She asked, making him look up at her.

"No... He died in Neverland. Dreamshade." He sighed, looking at the girl, who raised her brow at the name.


"Is there anyone that is close to the crocodile?" Hook asked, when Dream looked at him, standing up to sit the book on the bench. "Why would I tell you that?" Dream asked him, making him smirk as he walked over to her. "Because... I saw your past, when he didn't fight for you... And now you have seen mine. I believe that is what some call an understanding." He smirked, when Dream scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's called "daddy issues", not an understanding..." Dream scoffed, when Hook raised his brow at her.

"Well... I think I can arrange the understanding." Hook said, when he went to reach for her heart, but like Cora did with Emma, Hook couldn't pull it out. "My mother may have lied to me my whole life, but she knows a few things about protecting one's heart." Dream scoffed, when Hook was pushed back from a small blast of magic. Hook scoffed, when Dream went back to pick up the book, putting it in Hook's satchel, before putting it on.

"My satchel... You still have it." Hook spoke up, when Dream sighed, looking down at it. She took the book out, taking off the satchel to hand it to him. "Here... Now, if you excuse me... I need to go to work." Dream sighed, starting to walk off, while Hook smirked to himself, watching her leave.

He knew that the girl could not help herself from wanting to help. That's why he showed her his past. And when he gets her on his side, then he will have what he wants. Revenge.

~season 5, episode 11: "Swan Song"~

~869 words~

Dreams Come True:On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara