Page 55: Doctor Frankenstein:

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"It's not really murder if we let him succumb to his injuries." Whales told the group as they walked into the break room. 

"Pretty sure it is," Emma said, looking at Whales. "Of course, we save him." Mary Margaret said, following Ruby and Emma. "Obviously," David said, looking at Whales as he followed his wife.

"There's no discussion about..." Dream scoffed, looking at the doctor while she followed David.

"Well..." Leroy sighed, making Mary Margaret turn to look at him. "Leroy!" She exclaimed out of shock. "We got to think it through. If we save him and kill the whole town, is that really better?" Leroy asked the group as they all looked at him.

"So, we have to choose between our lives and his..." Ruby said to the group, sighing to herself.

"Or maybe, he didn't see anything. He did have a pirate crash his windshield..." Dream suggested, moving to lean on the counters. "Dream might be right... We can worry about the town later." David suggested, making Mary Margaret look at him.

"Which doesn't mean we should abandon it." She argued, making David look at her. 

"I know, but let's worry about Storybrooke after we save a life," David said as his wife agreed with his suggestion. "Dr. Whale, prep for surgery," David said, looking at Whales, who nodded, heading out of the room.

"Anyone else notice he's drunker than a skunk?" Mary Margaret asked the group, who sighed to themselves.

The room went quiet before the Stars Wars theme played in Emma's pocket. Emma moved to look at Greg's phone, seeing that someone was trying to call him. "Someone's looking for Greg... How long before they come here?" Emma asked as no one knew what to say.

"Not trying to be sarcastic or anything... But maybe if he did see anything, he might think it's cool. That ringtone tells us that he is kind of a nerd. You know, Star Wars main title theme..." Dream spoke up when they just looked at her, not saying anything.

After a little while, the group returned to the waiting room, waiting for any news about Greg. Emma turned off the ringer and the Star Wars ringtone when the group watched the same contact come up. "Same person again..." Leroy sighed while they all looked at the subtle contact.

""Her." Cute." Emma said, looking at the simple "pet" name.

"Probably a girlfriend..." David suggested, sitting with Dream, who was having a nosebleed. Dream tried to sleep, hoping that she could have one of her weird visions to see what was gonna happen. But she could not control anything, which ended up in a nosebleed. And she left her medicine at home. "We could answer it. Just let her know he's okay." Mary Margaret said, walking back over with a wet cloth for Dream.

"He's not okay." Emma fought, looking at her parents, who were helping Dream.

"He's alive." Dream spoke up. Her voice was muffled from the tissues in front of her nose. "We could let her know he's alive," Ruby said, agreeing with Dream.

"No, the police could trace it here instantly." David sighed, standing up from the chair so Mary Margaret could sit with Dream. "She can activate the find-your-phone thing without us picking it up at all," Emma said when they all looked to see that the call had stopped, showing missed call.

"That settles that," Leroy said, looking up.

"Oh, my nerves can't take this. Is the surgery almost over?" Mary Margaret groaned, leaning her head back to the wall. "I think it takes..." Emma went to say but stopped when she saw one of the nurses walk over, looking around.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," David said as the others followed Emma's gaze when they saw the nurse walking away. "Wait, wait, any news?" David asked, walking over to the nurse.

"No. I was just looking for the doctor." He said to David.

"He's not in the OR?" Ruby asked when they were all confused. "He never came in." The nurse shrugged when the group looked shocked. Where is Whale? 

"Then page him," Emma demanded as the nurse walked to the nurses' station to page Whales. "He was not looking so good earlier," David added while they watched the man pick up the phone to find Whales.

"He's here." Mary Margaret said when they started to hear the pager beeping. Emma moved over to the bin of scrubs, finding Whale's white coat with his pager inside. "No, but his pager is. He's gone." Emma said when the group sighed to each other.

Ruby kept making a disgusted face when she used her heightened werewolf sense to track Whales, but his coat smelled of alcohol. "Got the scent?" David asked her when she nodded. "Boozy." Ruby sighed as the others followed her down the crowded halls.

"Just find him and bring him back. We'll watch Hook and figure out our options if Whale doesn't come back." Emma said when Mary Margaret stopped to look at them. "Maybe Doc can do it." Mary Margaret suggested, causing Leroy to burst out in laughter.

"Surgery?" Leroy laughed until he saw that the Charmings were serious. "No!" He said once he stopped laughing.

"Maybe he didn't even run. Maybe Cora grabbed him for some reason?" Mary Margaret suggested.

"I don't think so. He's been in a rough place since he brought Regina's fiancé back to life..." David sighed, making Mary Margaret and Dream look at him, shocked. "Daniel?" The two of them asked him. "Back to life?" Emma asked when Dream moved her hand to her necklace.

"And had his arm ripped off and put back on." David continued to explain to them.

"Cool," Leroy commented.

"Wait, Daniel came back?" Mary Margaret asked her husband. "Like some kind of Frankenstein?" Emma asked her father. 

"That's Whale. The Doctor? And Daniel was his--" David went to say.

"What went on here while we were gone?" Mary Margaret asked, interrupting her husband. David just sighed, shaking his head, letting his wife know that he would catch her up later. "Ruby, get going. Bring back, Dr. Frankenstein." Emma said as Ruby nodded, walking out of the hospital. "Send this guy back home with bolts in his neck..." Emma mumbled to herself.

"She'll find him." Mary Margaret said, looking at the back of Emma's head.

"Yeah, but what kind of state is he gonna be in?" Emma asked, sighing to herself.

~season 2, episode 12: "In the Name of the Brother"~

~1053 words~

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