Page 10: The Wraith Attack:

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*That Night*

Dream was sitting in the kitchen eating her grilled cheese. She was also sitting at the counter reading the book Regina used to read her. 

Dream sighed, closing the book when she finished reading the story, looking up as she looked around the kitchen. She sighed, still not having any answers to the riddle from the frog. She got up to wash the dishes when she suddenly felt dizzy. She ignored the feeling when she finished cleaning the dish. She moved to go up to her room, leaving the book on the kitchen aisle. Her head was pounding again when she got to her bedroom door. She needed her medicine. 

But before she could get to her nightstand where she kept her medicine, she passed out on her bedroom floor. 

She suddenly saw flashes of a dagger opening up a medallion, revealing a black-cloaked creature, like a dementor from Harry Potter. She then saw flashes of the creature flying through town and killing her mother.

Dream woke up in a rush when she saw she was on the floor. "Mom..." She said in a panic before getting up, forgetting her medicine, as she ran towards the sheriff's station. 

Regina was sitting on the bed in the cell, wincing at the brand in her hand. She looked up when she saw the lights flicker. "Hello? Who's there?" She asked, seeing the lights continue to flicker. 

Suddenly, the cloaked creature that Dream saw floated over to her cell. The beast growled, revealing red, glowing eyes, before lifting its hand. By lifting its hand, the cell door flew across the room.

Regina stood up, backing closer to the wall, knowing what the creature was. A Wraith. Far worse than the dementors from Harry Potter. The beast moved his hand back up before it started to suck Regina's soul from her body. 

"Mom!" Dream exclaimed when she ran into the sheriff's station. 

The creature turned, slinging Dream back. 

"D-Dream..." Regina went to say, but the beast went back to sucking her soul, killing her, while Dream was knocked unconscious.


After hearing the chaos from the street, David rushed in, hitting the creature with a chair. But instead, the beast flew it across the room, nearly hitting Dream. Emma moved to cover Dream while Mary Margaret stayed by the door. When the creature slung David over to Dream, Emma, and Mary Margaret moved before the desks came flying their way. The desk came in David and Dream's direction when he picked her up, moving out of the way. The creature returned to killing Regina when Mary Margaret picked up the closest thing she could find. 

"Over here!" Mary Margaret yelled, holding up a lighter and an aerosol can. 

The creature screeched as the flame hit him before breaking the window and flying out.

Mary Margaret and Emma stood up as Regina dropped to the ground, coughing. David stayed, trying to wake up Dream, who stirred a bit awake. 

"What happen-- Mom?" She asked, sitting up a bit too fast when David sighed, taking the nearest cloth he could find and putting it onto her bleeding forehead.

"Stay here, okay. Your mom's okay." David said, helping her to lean onto the wall.

"What was that thing?" Mary Margaret asked as Emma rushed to Regina. 

"A Wraith," Regina said, still trying to recover when Emma helped her stand up. "A soul sucker." She spat, looking over to see Dream trying to stand up when David rushed back to help her stand.

"Did I..." Mary Margaret went to ask.

"Kill it? No. It's regenerating... It'll be back." Regina said, looking at David, who was helping Dream stand when she moved the cloth from her head. "It doesn't stop until it devours its prey... Me." Regina sighed when Dream moved to hug her mother. 

The Charmings and Emma watched as Regina hugged her daughter. Regina kissed Dream's head when Dream turned to look at all of them. 

"So, how do we kill it?" Dream asked when Regina sighed, rubbing her back. 

"There's no way. You can't kill something already dead." Regina sighed when she leaned her head on her daughter's.

"Then, we have a problem..." Emma sighed, looking to the ground.

"No, we don't. Regina does." David spoke up when Regina, Dream, Mary Margaret, and Emma looked at him in shock. 

"What?" Regina asked when they all looked at him.

"David?" Mary Margaret asked, wondering why he would let her die.

"You wanna let her die?" Emma asked her father. 

"Why not? Then it goes away. Then we're safe." David said, only looking at Regina with anger in his eyes.

"No... Then you are killers." Dream fought, looking at him. She was mad at her mother, but Regina and Henry were all she had.

"It's quite the example you're setting for your daughter, there." Regina spat, making David walk closer to her. 

"No. You don't get to judge us!" he fought when Regina scoffed at him. 

"Let me ask you something. Where do you think that thing came from? Gold," Regina said when Dream looked at her mother.

"No... No, he promised to help you." Dream said, looking at her mother.

"Dream, honey... One thing I should have warned you about is never making deals with him. Ever." Regina said, making her daughter face her. 

"I made a promise to Henry," Emma said, making David look at her. "She's not dying," Emma said, making everyone look at her.

"If it can't be killed, what do you suggest?" Mary Margaret asked when Dream got an idea.

"Send it somewhere it can't hurt anyone." Dream said when Regina raised her brow. "A portal." Dream said when they all looked at her.

~season 2, episode 1: "Broken"~

~938 words~

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