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     I waddled into the hotel room I had paid for as a way to get away from my parents. I'm 20 and don't have the money to move out permanently. Though I can't be home... Dad's just a dick to me when he's visiting, and mom doesn't care. They got divorced when I was young but he still shows up my momma's house to fuck. Not to mention my only sibling lives with my dad, so I don't have any motivation to stay there. I closed the door behind me, locking it and flopping onto the bed. I babbled to myself for a minute before slowly drifting to sleep.

      I groggily opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of my system. I sat up and slipped out of bed and onto my feet but fell onto my bottom. I whined and pouted, not realizing I was 100% in little space and too small to do anything big me would. I crawled on all fours to the bedside dresser and pulled my phone out of the drawer. My ex daddy's and me's conversation pulled up. I whimpered and quickly exited out of the tab.
'Maybe I should just read over the texts...' I thought to myself before pulling up the messaging app again and clicking on our dm's and scrolling through what we last said.

      Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I silently sobbed to myself.
"Daddy!" I cried out, holding myself. I turned around and dug through the drawer for a blade.
'I deserve this.' I thought to myself, slashing it down on myself, a cry escaping my throat. Then there was a knock at the door.
'Shit, shit, shit!' I thought to myself, my panic pulling myself out of little space. I shoved myself off the floor, blood rushing down my thigh. I pulled down my hoodie sleeve and shoved it over the wound.

      I hurried over to the door and unlocked it, peaking my head out into the hall.
"Oh! Officer Kayden!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"Hey,  just figured I should check in on ya," He said, ruffling his hair a little so it was fluffier.

    I tried my best to stay calm, considering blood was soaking through my hoodie sleeve.
"Are you alright?" He gently asked, noticing how worried I seemed. I quickly nodded and gave a fast 'yup' followed by a 'well bye,' and trying to close the door. He shoved his foot between the doorframe and the closing door before I could shut it.
"Hey, if you let me in, we can talk about it," He softly suggested, leaning on the door frame.
"Um.., just a second. Wait right there," I told him before hurrying to the bathroom and quickly putting a large bandaid over the cut and peeling off the hoodie.

     I walked out of the bathroom and over to the door in a black skirt and a black tank top. I opened the door completely and awkwardly gestured him into the hotel room. He smiled and followed me into over to the bed, the online furniture in here. I sat down on the edge of the bed and grabbed a zip-up jacket, throwing it on to cover my arms, littered with scars and relatively new cuts.
"So what's wrong with you?" He gently asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I felt myself slipping back into little space at the gesture and looked away, trying to fight it.

     He kept his eyes on me, seeming genuinely concerned for my well-being. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I failed to meet his gaze. Against my own will, a small sob escaped my lips
'Fuck,' I thought to myself, not fighting the rest of my emotions any longer. He'd already heard me.
"Woah, what, woah! Hey, I'm right here," He assured me, enveloping me in a hug. I sniffled and cried into him as he held me for a minute before slowly sitting up and wiping my eyes. I sniffled and pulled my knees up to my chest.

     "Wait, what happened?" He suddenly asked, staring down at my upper thigh.
"What?" I asked, confused until it clicked.
"Why do you have a bandaid there? You didn't have that when you did addmisioning last night and the blood on it looks new." He thought aloud, slowly raising his head back up to look me in the eyes. My lip quivered and I broke.. I told him.
"I cut..," I mumbled loudly. He looked at me and pulled me against his body.

     "It'll be okay." He said, ruffling my hair. He smiled and stood up off the bed.
"C'mon, you can come home with me. We're shutting  down the hotel for a few days anyways for an investigation on manegment" He told me, unlocking the door and reaching out for my hand.  I waddled over to him and put my hand in his. He pulled open the door and lead me out to the parking lot next to his black and white squad car.
He opened the door to the front seat and shut it as soon as my legs were in the vehicle. He moved over to the driver's side and did the same thing.

     The car backed out of the parking lot, music I didn't recognize blaring through the stereo. I bobbed my head and watched everything  zooming past the window. 'Why would he do this for me?' I thought to myself, keeping my gaze on the images speeding out of my sight. We soon enough pulled into a drive way of a nice enough looking house. It had two stories and the steps leading up to the front door were clean and polished as though they'd never been stepped on. I let myself out of the car seconds after he got out himself. He walked up to the door, walking on the steps despite how pristine they seemed.

     I followed him onto the porch and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I took one from the package, a lighter emerged from my pocket, and the pack of cigarettes took its place. I lifted my hand to light it before he turned around and snatched it out of my mouth.
"Little boys shouldn't smoke," He said matter-of-factly before stomping it out. I looked away from his gaze and followed his footsteps into the house with my head down.

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