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Jacob POV

Luca has been up and down all day, but mostly down. Whether that be tantrums or breakdowns, he's been all over the place. I went ahead and brought him home after he started crying at Jess' because I could tell he wasn't gonna get into a better mood. However, I did have to pick up the new medicine on the way home that Justin recently prescribed him.
"Papa! Stop..!" He whined as I tried to take his other shoe off. I had already gotten one, but he wouldn't let me to the left one.
"Do you want just one shoe on?" I asked, letting go of the laces.
"No!" He whined, slouching back in the chair. 'No' as in you don't want me to take it off or 'no' as in you don't want it on? I sighed and quickly took it off before he could start crying at me again. He pulled his knees up to his chest and sniffled, not looking at me.

"Bubba.." I whispered, moving from crouching to just sitting on the floor in front of him.
"I know you're feeling a lot right now, I know they're big feelings, but please just tell me what you wanna eat." I later tried to ask him, only getting the same answer I got earlier. Which happened to be "nothing."
"Babe, you need to eat. I don't care if we order it, I don't care if it's just an Ensure, but you have to have something on your stomach for your meds." I continued, making him pout.
"I-I drink it.." He quietly decided.
"Mkay. Do you wanna put something on while I make myself dinner?" I asked, standing up. He shook his head and grabbed Jupiter from the couch, laying down with him. If he wants the room silent, I won't push him to put something on.

"Papa.." He mumbled, walking into the kitchen as I turned off the stove.
"Hmm?" I hummed, glancing at him.
"I need kiss." He told me, looking hopeful.
"Why?" I asked, turning to him. I don't mind, but need it? What for?
"C-cus if I don't, I'm gonna die." He told me, very matter-of-factly.
"Well, I can't let that happen. Can I?" I mumbled, pulling him against me and kissing his lips passionately. He smiled a bit and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me.

"Don't make fun of me, kay?" He told me as I pulled away.
"What would I ever do that for?" I asked. Like, I didn't plan on it, but now I'm curious.
"Cus Jupiter told me to give you kisses." He mumbled, hugging me.
"I'd never make fun of you, Baby," I told him, eventually pulling away and putting my spaghetti in a bowl.
"Can you put somethin' on for me?" He asked as he followed me into the living room. I set my bowl on the coffee table and grabbed the remote, putting on a kids' show from Disney+.

After a couple of episodes, he laid his head on my lap and looked up at me, occasionally puffing out his cheeks at me.
"Are you a puffer fish?" I asked, smiling at him and making him giggle.
"Ya! I gonna eat you." He said, letting the air out of his mouth.
"Don't eat me! How am I gonna give you lovies if you eat me?" I asked, noticing his untouched Ensure still on the table.
"Mhhhh.. I guess I won't eat you.." He decided. "But, I'm still a fishy!"
"Well, even as a fish, you gotta drink this," I told him as I grabbed his drink and opened it for him. He frowned but sat up, shifting so he was still in my lap, and took the bottle from me.
"Papa, do I gotta?" He asked, kinda whining.
"Yeah, you have to have something in your tummy." I told him again, "But after you drink it, we can try and call Dady." He quickly nodded and started drinking it, focusing on the show.

"M done!" He eventually shouted, holding out his empty bottle.
"Thank you, Bubba. You did so good for me." I praised him, taking the empty container from him. I dug out my phone from my pants and quickly scrolled to Kayden's contact, clicking the call button and handing Luca the phone. I got up and tossed his trash into the trash can and came back to Luca, waiting on the phone.
"The number you have dialed is not in service at this time. At the tone, please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press 1 for more options." I could hear the automated voice through the speaker, seeing Luca's face fall a little as his heart broke.
"H-Hi, Dady. I just wanted to say me and Papa miss you, and I love you, and night night when you go to bed. Bye-bye.." He said before hanging up and handing me the phone.

"Aw, Babe. I'm sorry... Maybe he's busy." I tried to comfort him, holding my arms out for him. He slid off the couch and let me pick him up, burying his head in my shoulder.
"B-bite..?" He whispered with tears in his eyes. I carried him to the bedroom, laying him on the bed and getting him his teether. He put it in his mouth and chewed on it, gently rubbing his belly like Kayden would. I know the poor thing misses him to the moon and back, but I can't make him show up. As much as I want to, I can't. I don't even know how Kayden would treat Luca considering how on edge he's been the past few days. I slipped off my shoes and laid down behind Luca, putting my hand over top of his and tracing his little belly with him. Tears silently rolled down his face as he tried to hold me closer. I can't imagine what he's feeling right now, first abandoned by his family and then by Kayden. Luca mindlessly moved his hand from his stomach to his arm, specifically the one with the most scars. I moved with him and gently caressed the raised and flat ones with him.

I hope he goes to bed without a struggle or nightmares, for his own sake. I don't think he could cope with all of the stress stacking and building.

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