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I swung my leggies and bobbed my head along to the radio station. I couldn't really tell what they were saying, but I think I liked the song. Dady had a small smile on his face as he drove us to the closest park. It was only a little windy, but it was also bright outside which, if you ask me, is a weird combination of weather. Regardless though, we were almost to the park. I squirmed in my seat and bit my lip in anticipation. Soon enough, Dady turned from the main road, onto a smaller, gravel one and parked the car along side the grass.

I tried to get myself unbuckled, which made Dady giggle a little before helping me with it. I opened my door, and slid out onto my feet. Shoving the car door shut, I ran over to Dady's side and walked with him to the park. The part we were going to was empty. See, the way this park works is that there's one playground on one side of the property, a shelter house, and then another playground on the opposite side. The one closest to us had a lot of little kids, so Dady led me over to the other one. There were swings, slides, a little climbing area, and a bench right outside the mulch area.

I tried to contain my excitement, but that was until Dady let go of my hand and told me I could run free and he'd be sitting at the bench. I quickly made my way over to the swings. I hopped up into one and pumped my legs as hard as I could. I slowly started gaining momentum until I felt as if I were 20 feet in the air. I suddenly felt really neusous and sick. I quickly drug my feet against the ground until the swing was mostly stopped and hopped off, running over to Dady. He watched the whole thing, so it was safe to say he was pretty confused. I reached the bench he sat on and sat down right next to him, gently smooshing my side against his.

"Feel sickies.." I whined as I felt the knot in my stomach persist.
"Aww, baby.." He said, rubbing my head. "Does it feel like you're gonna throw up?" I nodded a little, and he pouted.
"I think you got motion sick, Love. Slow down a little, okay baby? It'll go away. Just give It a minute." He told me, moving his hand from my head down to my belly and gently rubbing it.

It slowly nodded, staring off at someone who was approaching the park we were at. Dady looked up at him and squinted, seeming confused until the man approaching was a few feet away. Dady stood up and smiled at the man. I guess he knew him. I quickly got to my feet as well and tried to grab Dadys hand from his side. He let me and began talking with the man.

"Hey man! It's been like, what, 2 years?!" He exclaimed, the other man nodding a little.
"Yeah, something like that anyways." He replied, moving his gaze towards me.
"Oh, who's this?" He asked Dady, as if I weren't right fucking there.
"I'm Luca." I answered for him, only a little bit annoyed. He nodded and introduced himself as Jacob, Dadys only friend from college.Apparently, they stayed in touch for a bit until they just kinda fell out. I tried paying attention but kinda couldn't. If I'm being honest, I was wanting to leave and that's all I could really focus on. I didn't know this guy and I was feeling really anxious. I started rocking on my feet and I could feel my hands get cold.

I had been told once it had to do with blood flow. I think the way whoever it was that told me that, explained it as the body was having a fight a flight response, even though there's no danger, and my heart rate slows down and isn't pumping as much blood. Something like that, i think. Though, I don't know how true that it. I looked up at Dadys face and saw how happy he seemed, so I just kept my mouth shut and continued to fidget.

Eventually, Jacob and Kayden exchanged goodbyes and he began walking away. All though, I fell out of little space a bit ago. Kayden turned to me and smiled.
"Let's get back to playing!" He suggested. I shrugged and hugged him.
"C-can we go somewhere else?" I asked, feeling bad. I know he's using his gas to drive me places and I just ruin it by getting bored and uninterested...
"We could honestly go home if you'd rather," I reasoned with him, I just didn't wanna make him feel like I was being picky.

"Aw, Love, I'm sorry I spent so long talking with Jacob. We can go home." He told me. I felt a pang of guilt shoot through me and I only nodded. He led me back to the car and buckled me in although I assured him I could've done it myself. 'Well, I wanna baby you," He replied, giggling a little to himself. I cracked a small smile and watched him close my door and get into the car.
I reached into my pockets to look for my cigarettes and lighter, but couldn't feel them. I frowned and patted down my pockets before I sighed, accepting I left them in Kaydens room.

Kayden side eyed me and asked, "What's up?" I told him I forgot my cigarettes and lighter before I slumped back in the seat.
"Love, can we try and break that habit..?" He gently asked me. "I-I know first hand how bad it gets and I don't want you to get to that point." I nodded although I didn't really feel like it was a big deal. Like I know people get cancer and lung disease from it, but I guess I didn't feel like it would happen to me. But I nodded. I wanted to make him happy and if that's what it was, why not. It's probably for my better anyways, so why not.

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