878 20 2

Kayden POV

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, sitting up. Luca was laying on his back with his eyes open and just staring. I waved my hand in front of his face and he didn't waver, just kept staring. Did he disassociate?
"Baby?" I asked and he didn't look at me. Definetly out of it. I set my hand on his chest and his eyes snapped over to me and he sat up a little.
"Good morning, sunshine." I said, rubbing his chest. He yawned and sat up before climbing onto my lap and chewing on my shirt. I yawned and grabbed his new toy from last night. Once I picked it up and it made noise, he stared at it. I smiled and handed it to him and he pulled and crinkled it, making him giggle and stop eating my shirt.

I felt my stomach pang with hunger so I picked up Luca and brought him and his fox into the kitchen.
"Are you hungry babes?" I asked, setting him down on the counter. He groggily shook his head and kept playing with his new toy. I opened the fridge and didn't see anything that looked good enough. I stared into it for a bit and grabbed the strawberry jelly. I can just do toast. Luca seemed in his own world while he babbled and shook his fox. I smiled and grabbed bread, put it in the toaster, and laid my head on Luca's. I was tired and feeling kinda clingy, I just want to cuddle him. Thank God it was my day off.

I laid on him until the toast popped up. I begrudgingly moved my head away from my little boy and grabbed a plate, putting the toast on it. I grabbed a butter knife and spread the jelly on it before putting the silverware in the sink and the jelly in the fridge. I picked up the plate and sat it on the table, Luca pouting when I sat down. He hopped off the counter and I opened my arms for him.
"C'mere baby." I mumbled, and he quickly ran to me and climbed in my lap. I slowly ate my toast while Luca kicked his legs and stimulated himself.
"B-bite..?" He quietly asked, looking up at me.
"Of course, baby!" I said, holding a peice in front of him.
"Are you hungry now?" I asked as he took a small bite. He shook his head and thoughtfully ate the toast. Guess he just wants to try it. He shrugged and swallowed it, laying back on my chest. At least he didn't hate it.

He sneezed and coughed before rubbing his face on me. I took the last bite of my toast and stood up with him in my arms, setting my plate in the sink.
"K-kiss..?" He gently asked once I brought us into the bedroom and closed the door. I smiled a bit and kissed his lips gently, sitting down on the bed. He giggled and kissed me back, cupping his hands on my face. After a bit, I pulled away slightly.
"Your lips are soft, babes.." I mumbled, making his cheeks turn pink. He kinda pulled at his boxers a bit. Maybe they were clinging to his body weird. He was mostly pulling at the hem of them and the waistband. He whined and pulled harder before flopping down onto me, giving up.
"Aw, are those uncomfy? Want them off?" I gently asked and he nodded alot, not pulling his head away. I pulled down his boxers and took them off all the way and let his shirt cover him.

"There ya go, all better?" He mumbled a yeah and kissed my cheek, making me smile. He laid his head on my shoulder and I opened my phone, putting on cartoons for him. He babbled before he gently bit my shoulder, not hard but kinda teething.
"Baby, can you use your teether?" I asked, rubbing his back and hoping he's let go. Now is not the time to get hard from being bitten. He pouted and stopped, putting his fingers in his mouth instead. Normally, I'd tell him to use his teether, made for this exact purpose, but I'll take what I can get.
"Thank you baby! You listen so well." I exclaimed, making him smile.

After he had been watching his show for a bit, I slid out from under him and was gonna try and go piss before an ad so he would stay occupied while I was gone. Of course though, he whined and tried to cling to me the second I moved.
"Baby, Daddy has to go pee." I told him, shrugging to get up. He whined and didn't let go.
"Dady..!" He shouted, holding me.
"Baby, I have to go pee. I'll be right back I promise." I pleaded with him, sighing. At this rate, I'm gonna piss myself.
"Dady!" He shouted again, slurring his words. Is he just smaller than normal? Yknow what, I'm taking him with me. Easier on all of us. I don't have to pry him off me and I don't piss myself. I pulled him into my lap and stood up from the bed, quickly walking out to the bathroom with him.
"Do you wanna wait out here, or go with Daddy?" I asked, trying not to sound rushed or panicked.

"Dady!" He exclaimed, giggling and flapping his arms. Guess that's the only word he knows right now. I sighed and opened the door, shutting it behind me, and setting Luca down in the sink. He kicked his legs and mirror that had little sea animal stickers on it. Marcus said it was a white person thing to have the bathroom sea themed so I settled for stickers. I hurried and did what I needed before flushing and pulling my pants back up. I pulled Luca out of the sink and sat him on the counter top, my body blocking him from falling while I washed my hands. I wiped them on my shirt before I picked the little boy up again.

He leaned in and blew raspberries on my cheek before giggling at himself. Damn, he's precious. I carried him back to the room and sat him back down on the bed, rewinding to about where the episode was.
After a bit he started rocking and babbling more, not quite focusing on the show. I think he's getting bored. He sat up on his knees and crawled closer to me and onto my lap. He straddled my hips and leaned up, pecking my cheek. His tummy rumbled and he frowned a bit.
"How about we try eating again? Is that okay baby?" I asked. He really needs to, he hasn't in like a day. He frowned and looked at me confused.
"You've not eaten in a bit, and you're tummy us hungry. So I think we should try and eat, Babes." I explained, not knowing how much he understood. He kept staring at me, clueless and confused.

"Well, guess we're just gonna try it then." I mumbled, getting out of bed and taking him with me to the kitchen.
"What even is there..?" I asked myself. There really isn't much right now. I opened the freezer and dug around and eventually found something. The best I could find was chicken strip and fries so I guess that's what I'll make. I took them out of the freezer and sat them on the counter, closing the freezer. Luca swung his legs and gently hit the bottom cabinets while I got out a pan and pre heated the oven.

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