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Kayden POV

I took Luca off my lap and got off the bed, storming to Marcus' room. Abso-fucking-lutley not. There's no way he can just call my baby an anorexic when he knows his parents track record. What if up with people fucking body shaming him?
"N-no, please don't fight with him..." He begged, grabbing my arm. I trned to face him and tears streaked his face, how could I go against what he wanted..? I picked him up and sniffled.
"I just don't like when people hurt you.." I mumbled, kissing his head.
"I'll be okay, I'm okay.." He reassured me, hugging me tight.
"Can I at least talk to him about it? I swear I won't argue with him, Baby" I asked, I really just don't wanna brush this under the rug. I'm getting tired of what Marcus had been doing lately.

"If you promise not to argue.." He finally said.
"I do, I really do." I reassured him, setting him on the bed.
"I-I wanna go with.." He said, slipping off the bed before I walked out. I held out my hand, which he took, and then began leading him up to Marcus' room. I knocked on his door and squeezed Luca's hand when I noticed him fidgeting. The door swung open to see an annoyed Marcus.
"Yeah?" He asked, leaning again the door frame.
"I gotta talk to you." I started, getting no verbal answer so I continued.
"I know that you called Luca an anorexic. And before you say anything, if this keeps happening then you're out of the apartment."
"What?! You can't do that?!" He exclaimed, finally speaking up.
"Yes, I can. The apartment is in my name and I pay the majority of the rent. Remember, 70-30?" I said, making him scowl at me.

"Whatever." He groaned, slamming the door like a moody teenager. I took Luca's hand and lead him back down the stairs.
"Did you eat yet?" I asked, leaning down a bit. He shook his head a bit so I picked him up and brought him into the kitchen.
"You just want leftovers from last night?" I asked, not quite knowing what else to make or what he'd like. He nodded a bit and I sat him down on the counter. I opened the fridge and grabbed out the pasta, putting it onto two plates and then in the microwave. I leaned against the counter when I realized the TV was still on.
"Babes, can you please go turn off the TV?" I asked, not exactly wanting to move. Alot happened of physical things happened at work so I'm tired as fuck. He nodded and hopped off the counter, hurrying into the living room. I admit, I might have stared at his ass as he left but can you blame me? Hate to see him go, love to watch him leave I guess.

I waited for a bit for him to come back, expecting it to only take maybe a minute but it didn't. Th microwave went off and I took out the plates, setting them down on the stove. I still heard the TV so I went into the living room snd saw Luca going around the room I assume looking for the remote. He turned to see me and pouted.
"I can't find it.." He whined before going back to looking. He came over next to me and got down on his knees before looking under the coffee table. I grabbed his ass and smacked it once, making him sit up. His face was bright red and he sat there for a second before deciding to just go back to looking. I smirked and decided to let him look. He grabbed something and got back up, turning the TV off and setting the remote down on the table. He looked up at me with big, doe eyes and bit his lip. Oh fuck he looks hot. I wrapped my arms around his waist, putting my hands on his ass.

His tummy rumbled, making his giggle. I pulled my hands away from his butt and kissed his nose. He smiled and ran into the kitchen, waiting by the stove.
"You can grab your plate, Love." I said, slowly following him into the kitchen. He grabbed his plate and a fork, setting it down on the table. When I got into the kitchen, I did the same and sat next to him. He slowly ate and through out our conversation we had he would squirm in his chair every so often. I put my hand on his thigh and rubbed it, making his bite his lip. He kept eating but it was taking even longer than before for him to finish. Once he did I picked up both our plates and threw them put, putting the forks in the sink.
"I'll do dishes later..." I mumbled. Luca walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head against me.
"You sleepy, Babes?" I asked, turning around and picking him up, despite my aching body from work.

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