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[Jacob POV]

I was only up until 1 am doing laundry, but when I woke up at 7 I wasn't in the best mood. I tried not to wake up the boy sleeping next to me, but after I dropped my phone and yelled the F word, he shot up.
"Papa..?" He whispered, his voice shaking.
"Shhh, no, no it's okay." I tried to comfort him. I sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled him into my lap. I patted his back and rocked him a little until his body relaxed.
"I gotta work today, Okay?" I reminded him, getting a little nod.
"Let me get dressed," I mumbled. He let me put him down and laid back down, picking at the bed frame.
"Don't do that," I told him, pulling off my shirt and grabbing the clean one. I'm supposed to get my work uniform today after my shift so I'm just wearing a plain black one.

I pulled off my boxers and put on new ones before pulling on blue jeans. I slipped on my socks and then sneakers.
"Jacobbbbb!" Spade called out, opening the bedroom door.
"Hm?" I asked, not bothering to do more than glance up while zipping my fly.
"You're awake. I just didn't want you to be late or anything. But, I also need you to come here so I can talk to you," He said, confusing me. I agreed regardless though. I stepped out into the hallway and waited for him to ask me something.
"What does Luca like to do? Like during the day," He asked, making me smile. Out of everything he could've asked me, this was probably the best.
"Um, he likes to color, he likes cartoons, he liked to play pretend. He can be clingy, but it's normally him sitting in your lap." I told him, popping my back while leaning on the wall.

"And he normally takes a nap at like 2 or 3, so if he's getting grumpy he's probably tired," I told him right after remembering.
"Okay, what does he eat?" He quickly asked.
"That's a more difficult question," I told him, laughing a bit.
"Well, he ate bananas last night so he'd be fine with those. Most fruit is probably good, he likes spaghetti, and he could probably do carrots. Chicken and Mac n cheese I can get him to eat. I think he likes cucumber and mashed potatoes." I listed, racking my brain for anything else that's easy and he likes. I think I covered it.
"Okay, I just don't want to make something he doesn't want." He told me.
"Well, you'll both be okay. I get off at 4 I think, but it might be 5 'cause it's mostly training today." I warned him. He nodded and hugged me briefly.
"You'll do fine too.

"But, you probably should go since it's like 7:30." He suggested. He's right, it's a little bit of a drive and I want to get there a little early.
"Alright, Babe," I said, walking back into the bedroom, "Give me hugs, I gotta go," He hopped off the bed and ran over to me, hugging me tight.
"Bye, Luca. I love you, be good." I told him as he pulled away.
"Mtays... Love you, Papa," He told me, leaning up and kissing me before I left.

[Spade POV]

Jacob left and Luca was clingy just like he said. I don't really mind though.
"C'mere, let's get breakfast. Most important meal of the day." I suggested, leading him to the kitchen. He stood on his tiptoes while I looked for something he'd want.
"You want cereal?" I asked, looking over at him. He nodded and went back to standing flat-footed. I decided on the fruity cereal, mostly because it's colorful, and poured it into a bowl, then the milk.
"Go sit at the table," I told him as I grabbed a spoon. He slid into a chair at the dining table and let me set the breakfast in front of him.

He ate and I put on cartoons for him until his nap time, but he didn't want to sleep. Jacob didn't warn me about that.
"C'mon, let's go take a nap," I said, picking him up and bringing him into my guest bedroom.
"Papa...?" He asked, looking up at me and pouting.
"Papa's gotta work, Bubba. I'm sorry," I told him, gently brushing his hair out of his eyes. He rolled over onto his side, his face to me and back to the door. He laid quietly for a couple of minutes before sitting up and whining.
"What's wrong, Hun?" I asked, looking over my phone at him. He climbed up on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder. I rubbed his back until he got up and got off the bed entirely. I reluctantly slid off the bed and followed him to the living room where he peeked out the window. I looked out over him and didn't see anything, but I don't know what he was looking for.
"What are ya lookin for?" I asked.
"Kayden..." He whispered, looking at the driveway closer.
"Is that his car?" He asked, on the verge of tears and making me quickly look at the road.

It was dark blue like Kayden's was, but it wasn't his make or model. He had a nicer car than this one; I have no clue about the brand, but they looked different.
"No, don't worry. It's not his car," I reassured him, pulling away from the window. But, Luca wasn't reassured. He kept staring out at the road and the car. I think this one's a Honda. The car kept going right past the house and the driveway, but he kept on watching. I sat on the couch he was kneeling on to look out and turned on a cartoon. It was Bubble Guppies, but he didn't pay attention. I'll just leave it on in case he gets interested.

Spoiler alert, he didn't. He watched out the window the whole time until Jacob got home.
"Papa's home. He-his truck," Luca told me, turning to look at me for a second.
"Let's go see him," I suggested, getting up and hoping he would agree. He hopped up and grabbed my hand, leading me to the front door. He let go and opened the door, running out.

[Jacob POV]

"PAPA!" Luca shouted as I walked up the sidewalk to the front door.
"Baby!" I exclaimed, opening my arms for him. He quickly hugged me and buried his face in my chest.
"Aw, hi babe. We're you okay?" I asked, picking him up and carrying him back to the house.
"Mhm, I didn't wanna sleep though..." He mumbled, not meeting my eyes. I stepped into the house, briefly hugging Spade before setting Luca on his feet.
"You wanna go watch T.V.?" I asked, gently pushing him in the direction of the living room. He nodded a little and made his way to the living room, sitting almost directly in front of the television.
"Was he unruly?" I asked, mostly kidding. He shook his head and sat on his dining table while I slipped off my shoes.
"No, he just didn't take his nap. But I have to say, I think he was super paranoid today. He wouldn't stop watching out the window and he asked me a couple of times if a car was Kayden's." He told me as fixed my socks. I frowned and sighed.
"Yeah, I'll make sure he's all good. I think he's still shaken up from the other night, but that's pretty fucking normal I'd imagine." I said.
"Did he eat anything?" I asked. He really should've, considering I don't remember what he last ate and he probably needs it.

"He didn't want lunch before his nap and he didn't want a snack, but he ate breakfast. And I've not tried to make dinner yet," He explained.
"Papa?" Luca asked, waddling from the living room to me.
"What is it, Bubba?" I asked, not yet looking at him as he clung to my side.
"My mouth..." He whined. I turned to see his split lip re-opened and blood starting to drip into his mouth.
"You pick at it?" I asked, tilting his head up. He shamefully nodded and tried not to look at me.
"Well, I can't exactly put a band-aid on your mouth," I thought aloud.
"Do you have Neosporin?" I asked, looking up at Spade. He told me he would look before heading into the bathroom, digging in the cabinet above the sink.

He handed me the tube and let me put it over the cut. It looks like it's trying to heal if he'd leave it alone.
"There ya go. You need to stop picking at it or it'll scar." I warned him, not really getting any response. I handed Spade the medicine and kissed Luca's forehead.
"Lukie, you gonna eat dinner?" Spade asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Ya..." He whispered.

[Luca POV]

After I ate, Papa sent me to go find something while he talked to Spade for a bit. I could hear some of what they said, but not a lot. I'm super sleepy cause I didn't take my nap, which I regret now. Papa's gotta work tomorrow and I can't spend the most time possible with him now.
"Go ahead and shower, I'll watch him til you're done." I heard Spade say. I frowned but just laid down. I need Jupiter, he's gotta be lonely. Or maybe Kayden just doesn't have him anymore. That thought really made me sad.
"Hey, Lukie," Spade said as he walked in.
"Mm, hi hi," I mumbled.
"What's up? You seem down," He asked, sitting next to me.
"Jupiter is at Kaydens... He's gotta be all lonely and everything cause I took care of him," I explained, picking at my lip again. I can't help it, I never leave any sort of scabs alone.
"Quit that, your papa needs it to heal." He quietly said, moving my hand. "But, I'm sorry. I think Jupiter's gonna be okay though." He said. I know he's just trying to make me feel better so I just nodded a little. I don't want to feel better though, I know Jupiter isn't gonna be okay after all this.

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